Bad breath due to inflamed tonsils

Bad breath due to inflamed tonsils / Health News

Bad breath? Sometimes almonds are to blame


About one in four suffers from bad breath. Particularly treacherous: Affected recognize their bad breath itself usually not. If you do not have a confidant around you who gives you a well-intentioned tip, then you have a hard time. With a trick anyone can test for themselves whether he suffers from bad breath. Drive a few times over the unperfumed back of the hand with your tongue and wait a few seconds. Eventual halitosis can then be felt on the back of the hand. In case of persistent halitosis patients should not long with chewing gum & Co. treat themselves, but visit an ENT specialist, as indicated by the HNOnet-NRW, a consortium of established ear, nose and throat doctors.

Whether oral spray, chewing gum or mouthwash - such products usually work only for a short time. Bad culprits are almost always bacteria. If you call Karius & Baktus, the dentist is your first contact. But even ENT specialists know many diseases of the mouth and throat, which lead to bad breath. For example, sinusitis sometimes causes a bad-smelling breath. „Halitosis is also often caused by chronically inflamed tonsils. This one but a secretion, which is recognizable as so-called detritus as white specks on the almonds“, explains Dr. Uso Walter, practicing ENT doctor and CEO of HNOnet NRW. If halitosis does not disappear even after frequent gargling with chamomile tea or mouth rinses, consult your ENT specialist. (Pm)

Picture: Rainer Sturm