Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Naturheilpraxen Abmahngefahr at center
BGH judgment: The term "center" suggests a special qualification 08/08/2012 Numerous naturopathic practices use the term „center“ in their name,...
Natural remedies very popular in Germany
The market research institute TNS Infratest commissioned the University of Duisburg-Essen to produce a current survey on natural remedies. The...
Grow natural remedies of naturopathy yourself
Grow your own natural remedies simply and inexpensivelyWhether peppermint, lemon balm or valerian - natural remedies offer an uncomplicated and...
Natural remedy for atopic dermatitis
Radon as an alternative to creams and tablets in atopic dermatitis 09.05.2013 The physical and mental suffering in eczema is...
Naturopathic Ambulatorium Horst W. Budde
Naturopathic Ambulatorium Horst W. Budde Focus of practice: Treatment of chronic and acute diseases with naturopathic procedures. Iris and face...
Naturopathic practice Dammrich & Backhausen
The naturopathic joint practice Dammrich & Backhausen exists since more than twenty years and is thus the oldest alternative practitioner...
Naturheilkundetag of the Association of German Naturopaths in Hanover
From homeopathic therapies, autoimmune and cancer diseases to multiple susceptibility to pain and stress treatment On Saturday, August 29, 2015,...
Naturopathic practice Reiner Angermeier
Bergisch Gladbach: Naturopathic practice Reiner AngermeierSchloßstr. 2Bergisch Gladbach (Bensberg)Tel: 02204 - 963
[email protected]
Main field: Pain therapies, hypnosis, exfoliation, acupuncture...
Naturopathy additionally use in cancer
For cancer use conventional medicine and naturopathy 02/02/2012 Traditional medicine and naturopathy are a strong duo in the fight against...
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