Naturheilkundetag of the Association of German Naturopaths in Hanover

Naturheilkundetag of the Association of German Naturopaths in Hanover / Health News
From homeopathic therapies, autoimmune and cancer diseases to multiple susceptibility to pain and stress treatment

On Saturday, August 29, 2015, the 40th Naturheilkundetag takes place from 9.30 am to 6 pm in the Hannover Congress Centrum, Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1-3, 30175 Hannover. This year's motto for the 40th anniversary reads: "YES to naturopathy, YES to alternative practitioner". The visitors can expect an informative and practical lecture and seminar program. The entrance fee for the one-day specialist event of the Association of German Non-medical Practitioners (VDH), which includes the entire lecture and workshop program, the visit of the accompanying industrial exhibition and the common barbecue at the end of the 40th day of naturopathy, costs € 10.00. All non-medical practitioners as well as candidates from Germany and abroad are addressed.

Throughout the day, around 40 specialist lectures deal with topics such as anxiety disorders, burn-out syndrome, the taboo topic of hair loss, atopic dermatitis, Lyme disease or the strengthening of the immune system and much more. The professional training and further education and the direct exchange of views with colleagues and speakers are in the foreground. This exchange of knowledge and experience on the most varied naturopathic healing methods and therapies is of great importance for all representatives of the free naturopathic profession for their daily practice and organization. In addition to the further development of medical practice and therapeutic procedures, the current legislation and various product, service and technology innovations of the approximately 60 medical-pharmaceutical companies are also in the spotlight in the accompanying Indurstria exhibition.

The Association of German Non-medical Practitioners (VDH), founded in 1963, with its more than 3,000 members nationwide, is one of the major supra-regional associations of the profession of alternative practitioner. He is in direct collegial contact with other professional as well as medical associations and associations. The VDH has set itself the task since its foundation

- to promote the free profession of the alternative practitioner and his offspring in professional and political terms,

- To assist the members of the association in the exercise of their interests vis-à-vis the authorities and legislatures and other associations,

- to ensure a good relationship between the alternative practitioners and the other occupations of the health service and

- to ensure the continued existence of naturopathic medicine and its development and promotion of a contemporary job profile on the basis of a tradition rooted in medicine. (Pm)