All articles - Page 821

Only every fifth mineral water recommended

Stiftung Warentest finds impurities in medium-mineral waters07/25/2014 Mineral water is generally considered to be the healthiest beverage ever and is...

Only one in four men take precautions

Only every fourth man goes to check-ups 18/09/2012 Only one in four men, according to current studies, regularly to check-ups....

Only one in seven lives healthy

Only one in seven lives healthy Only every seventh German lives well. (10.08.2010) According to a study of health insurance...

Only one in three with good New Year resolutions

Only one in three will start their good intentions at the turn of the year: Less smoking and healthy nutrition...

Only in case of emergency call coworkers in the spare time

Colleagues, employees or supervisors should only be contacted in an emergency at home 13.02.2012 At the present time, more and...

Only a small proportion of wealthy patients in hospitals

Only a small proportion of wealthy patients in hospitals 08/24/2014 Even though rich foreign patients are a coveted clientele in...

Only whole fruits last a long time

Scientific research proves again and again: Consumed in moderation, nuts are good for the cardiovascular system and especially for blood...

Just creamed with sunscreen in the sun

When sunbathing, consider sun protection 07/24/2012 Whether in the summer lying on the lawn, splashing in the pool or go...

Only one in five people would perform a life-saving resuscitation

Ignorance and uncertainty keep many people from reviving Many adults are unable to initiate the important measures of immediate resuscitation...