Only every fifth mineral water recommended

Only every fifth mineral water recommended / Health News

Stiftung Warentest finds impurities in medium-mineral waters


Mineral water is generally considered to be the healthiest beverage ever and is often drunk by the liter for refreshment, especially at the current high summer temperatures. But apparently there are significant differences in quality among the commercially available varieties. According to Stiftung Warentest, therefore, of the 30 currently tested products, only six medium water types could be recommended without restrictions.

Degradation products of pesticides and corrosion inhibitors demonstrated
Mineral water is the favorite drink for many people par excellence - but should be looked at in the selection of the water apparently closer, because as the Stiftung Warentest currently reports, there are significant qualitative differences. The foundation had investigated 30 medium mineral waters in a new test, among others „Apollinaris“, „Justus fountain“ and the waters of the private labels of ALDI Süd, Edeka and Rewe. The sobering result: For every third party, the inspectors were able to detect contamination from above-ground layers, whereby mainly the artificial sweetener acesulfame-K, but also degradation products of pesticides and a corrosion inhibitor were found, the report of the Foundation. According to the foundation, these substances are not risky in terms of health, yet the findings would be „original purity“ of mineral water endanger - which after the so-called „Mineral and table water regulation“ a prerequisite for the designation as „natural mineral water“ is.

Impurities can come from all stages of the manufacturing process
Where the impurities stir, according to Professor dr. Bernd Schäfer from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), however, is still not clear: „In principle, they could come from all stages of the processing process. There are indications that the substances already exist in the water of the source. In addition, a low transfer of substances into the mineral water is inevitable when bottling or through the packaging“, said the expert in an interview with Stiftung Warentest.

Only few minerals in most test products
In addition to the impurities, the experts found in their testing another flaw: unlike many advertised, had been found in 18 of the 30 test waters only a low content of minerals (less than 500 milligrams per liter). Above all, this affected private labels of the trade, such as the „Rewe / Yes“-Water from the mountain spring in Rhens, which also had the highest nickel content in the test and therefore with a „inadequate“ was rated. According to the foundation, only six brands managed to convince, both in terms of taste and in terms of the requirements of the mineral and table water regulation, among others „Fresh breeze“ and „Vio“ as well as the private labels of Kaufland („K-Classic“) and Lidl („Saskia“).

Tap water better than "still water"
"Tap water contains more minerals than purchased still water". The Stiftung Warentest has come to this conclusion once before. Additionally, in a previous test, germs were found on the bottles that could be harmful to infants
The comparison showed that tap water is usually better than many believed.

A lot of drinking
The water requirement of a person depends on his body mass, his physical condition, the activity and the climate. The World Health Organization (WHO) gives two liters of water a day for a 60-kilogram adult in high demand. For a child who weighs ten kilograms, the daily requirement is one liter. (No)

Picture: Sigrid Rossmann
Picture 2: Sebastian Karkus