Only one in four men take precautions

Only one in four men take precautions / Health News

Only every fourth man goes to check-ups


Only one in four men, according to current studies, regularly to check-ups. Women are much better off with about 60 percent. The supposedly strong sex usually seeks a doctor only when symptoms show clearly. Men believe they are healthy when they feel that way. A fatal mistake. Because many serious diseases - especially cancer - are initially not noticeable, but can often be successfully treated at this early stage. „It is therefore common for women to keep an eye not only on their own care appointments, but also on their partners“, reports Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and medical director of Uro-Gmbh Nordrhein, an association of established urologists.

Special urine tests, blood tests, stool samples, palpation and ultrasound examinations detect malignant changes on the testicles, prostate, kidneys and bladder at an early stage, thus offering good chances for complete recovery. „The earlier a drug therapy, radiation or surgery is initiated, the better the chances of recovery“, emphasizes Shepherd. „In addition, in many cases, secondary diseases such as erectile dysfunction or incontinence can be avoided as well as spreading the tumor to other organs.“ Contrary to all prophecies of the thumb, preventive medical examinations are not at all painful thanks to the latest techniques and methods and provide quick and reliable information about the state of health. Urologists therefore recommend that men over the age of 18 regularly take precautionary measures - especially if there are hereditary preloads. „If necessary also with gentle, well-intentioned pressure by the responsible partner“, concludes Dr. Shepherd. (Pm)