Only whole fruits last a long time

Only whole fruits last a long time / Health News
Scientific research proves again and again: Consumed in moderation, nuts are good for the cardiovascular system and especially for blood lipid levels. This is thanks to the delicious little powerhouses, above all their favorable fatty acid pattern, namely the high proportion of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The flip side of the coin, however, is: because of its fat content, nuts can quickly turn rancid. Under the influence of moisture, enzymes, microorganisms, oxygen and light, the fats are split. There are degradation products that not only smell and taste bad, but also harmful to some and can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Store fruits as a whole. Image: Alexander Raths - fotolia

The larger the surface area, the more vulnerable the nuts and their fats are to the degrading environmental influences. Therefore peeled and grated or chopped nuts ruin much faster than whole fruits. For a longer storage, they are therefore the products of choice. Cool, dark, dry, well packed in sacks or nets and airy they can be stored for months. Opened packages with peeled and already shredded goods come into the fridge, preferably in a tightly closable box. There they stay for up to four weeks.

Our sensitive senses of smell and taste usually prevent us from eating rancid nuts. Fruits with a musty odor or even yellowish, dark discoloration should be disposed of. Eva Neumann, aid