Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Piercing piercing by ENT doctors?
ENT Doctors: Piercings belong in medical hands 06.11.2012 Nowadays, piercings no longer just mean rebellion and being different, but are...
Piercing on nipple and navel implementation, healing and risks
nipple piercingAmong the piercings on the trunk, the piercing of the nipples and navel are the most common. The nipple...
Piercing - history, distribution and forms
Piercing refers to the piercing of the skin, of fat and cartilage, especially to put jewelry through. Evidence already exists...
Pimple triggering Sometimes healthy causes triggers of impure skin
Reasons for bad skin and pimples - even food can be the causeMost acne occurs during adolescence during puberty. But...
Pimples and weight gain worries the teens necessarily take it seriously
Changes in puberty make life difficult for many adolescents Oily skin, pimples and wider hips: Many adolescents suffer from skin...
Pimples on the back - development, causes and treatment
Blemishes on the back Almost everyone knows pimples on the back. The majority of people with pimples on their faces...
Pimple on the butt
Pimples and acne on the buttocksIt is not uncommon for adolescents, women and men to suffer not only from facial...
Pimples, blackheads and blemished skin Avoid these foods for the most part
Even healthy foods can promote bad skin and pimples The diet has a significant impact on our skin. Most people...
Pimples, major problems and blackheads at 30 - is this a late puberty?
Skin problems can also occur in adulthoodWhether it's impure skin, blackheads or pimples, skin problems are quite normal during puberty....
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