Pimples and weight gain worries the teens necessarily take it seriously

Pimples and weight gain worries the teens necessarily take it seriously / Health News
Changes in puberty make life difficult for many adolescents
Oily skin, pimples and wider hips: Many adolescents suffer from skin problems and physical changes during puberty, which are often associated with weight gain. Parents often find these "problems" relatively harmless, precisely because they tend to be temporary and are less pronounced than the teenager suspects. Nevertheless, the children should be taken seriously with their worries and needs and be helped to get the difficulties under control.

Serious physical and emotional changes
During puberty, there are many physical and psychological changes that can make life difficult for you. Whether pimples, oily skin and increased sweating, the onset of breast growth, the increase in hairiness or the feminine figure: The majority of young people feel in the period of "upheaval" uncomfortable in their own body and suffers from the changes. Accordingly, parents should support their children during this time and always take such worries seriously, according to Ulric Ritzer-Sachs of the online consultation of the Federal Conference for Educational Counseling (bke) in an interview with the news agency "dpa"..

Taking children's needs seriously: pimples and co are serious issues. Image: Ocskay Bence - fotolia

Consoling always help, and it is also important that parents clearly signal to their child that it will be accepted as it is, explains the expert. Similarly, the teenager should be supported in dealing with his problems. "For pimples, for example, you can go to the dermatologist or a beautician for advice," says Ritzer-Sachs.

Help children with home remedies for pimples
Alternatively or additionally, parents can help their children with pimples and oily skin with simple, natural home remedies. Helpful and beneficial, e.g. a weekly camomile steam bath, as well as offering a mask made of natural yoghurt or a mixture of wheat germ oil and honey. Other proven home remedies for acne include silica gel, peppermint and healing earth. In addition, the pimples can be carefully dabbed with tea tree oil, as this disinfects the inflamed skin and thus contributes to rapid healing.

When gaining weight, clarify the cause
If the child suffers from increasing weight, a joint visit to the family doctor can also help. Likewise, it is possible with the help of a nutritionist to set up a "stress-free plan" and to search for the cause of the extra kilos. This is how the adolescent can recognize whether it is a completely "normal" change in the course of becoming adult or rather responsible for the nutritional behavior.

If parents notice that the child is physically changing and perhaps withdrawing, the topic should be addressed openly, says Ritzer-Sachs. In that case, the teenager can be encouraged to do so by e.g. It is said that such changes at this age are normal and can be handled with the help of experts. (No)