All articles - Page 396

Study Inherited trauma

Traumas are apparently vererbar05/28/2014 Extreme experiences change those affected. And often years later, their children. Researchers have now discovered a...

Study doubling the survival time in liver metastases possible

Treat liver metastases by colon cancer with a combination of heat and chemistry Colorectal cancer is the second most common...

Study Consumers often use sunscreen with insufficient protection

For many users, cosmetic factors are more important than the sun protection factorEspecially in summer, it is likely that your...

Study vegetarians live longer

Study: Vegetarians live longer than non-vegetarians 06/06/2013 „Vegetarian diets are associated with a lower death rate“, found a study by...

Study examines physical complaints in adolescents

Volunteers sought for study on physical complaints in adolescents Physical complaints such as recurrent headaches or abdominal pain in childhood...

Study underweight and obesity increase the risk for migraine

Physicians are studying the effects of weight on migraineMigraines are special headaches that occur as severe seizures. The exact causes...

Unhappy marriage makes the heart sick

Unhappy marriage makes the heart sick in old age02/17/2015 According to research, married people are often happier and more resistant...

Study tuberculosis drug from African medicinal plant

New tuberculosis drug from African medicinal plantEndophytic fungi seem to be a promising source of new drugs. Dusseldorf researchers have...

Study tuberculosis increases the risk of lung cancer

Study: Tuberculosis increases lung cancer risk 03/01/2011 Tuberculosis (TBC) increases the risk of getting lung cancer. Taiwanese scientists have found...