Study Consumers often use sunscreen with insufficient protection

Especially in summer, it is likely that your skin is exposed to a lot of sunlight. Of course it is important that you use the right sunscreen. Researchers have now discovered that most consumers unfortunately do not always choose the most effective sunscreen. Often, odor and rapid absorption into the skin are more important than the sun protection factor. The experts tested the funds that were rated best by consumers on Amazon.
Many consumers swear by the effectiveness of certain sunscreen products. It looks quite different when doctors check sunscreen for their effectiveness. Researchers from the Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago now found out in their research that a top rating from consumers is not always true. Many people used a sunscreen that does not meet the guidelines of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "JAMA Dermatology".
Many people buy products with inadequate SPF
Scientists are now investigating sunscreen products that have been bought and valued particularly well by Amazon. The experts tested whether these protections really guaranteed the best protection. Both products with the highest ratings and products with the highest number of ratings were examined. It was noticeable that many people buy products with insufficient protection, say the authors.
Experts checked 65 sunscreens
First, the researchers verified that the 65 sunscreens tested were in compliance with all recommended guidelines. These guidelines include a sun protection factor of at least 30 for UVA and UVB light. In addition, the products should be water and sweat resistant. The investigations showed that about 40 percent of the products did not meet the criteria of the AAD. The majority of these products were not resistant to water or sweat, the doctors add.
Stiftung Warentest: Cheapest sunscreen is the best
Recently, a study in this country had shown that good sun protection is not always expensive. Stiftung Warentest came to the conclusion in its assessment of sunscreens that the cheapest protection is the best. So it is quite possible to protect yourself optimally with cheap sun creams.
Cosmetic applicability must always be balanced with sufficient sunscreen
Many of the positive reviews built on the so-called cosmetic elegance of the product. Factors such as the odor or the color of the sunscreen were often used as positive points in the assessment, say the scientists. Dermatologists need to better advise their patients about which products they should ideally use. The different cosmetic applicability must always be accompanied by adequate protection against light, the authors explain.
For a lot of people, cosmetic properties are most important
The results were not really surprising because many consumers are not focused on the performance of the sunscreen. There are still a lot of people for whom cosmetic properties are more important, explain the doctors. Of course it is also important for consumers to like their sunscreen. Because, for example, the smell is pleasant, they are also more willing to apply the protection really.
Not every person needs waterproof products
Some of the most popular products can be applied on a daily basis, for example, before people go to work. In this case, even water-resistant formulas can be dispensed with, say the experts. No application of water-resistant products is required if the consumer has not planned any outdoor sports activities or if he does not come into contact with water. For these consumers, only the sunscreen should be crucial, add the cars. (As)