Study examines physical complaints in adolescents

Volunteers sought for study on physical complaints in adolescents
Physical complaints such as recurrent headaches or abdominal pain in childhood and adolescence are relatively widespread, but these are so far rather neglected in the research. A new study at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) therefore explicitly addresses the physical complaints of adolescents. At present, study participants are still being sought.
"About 25 percent of all children and adolescents suffer from recurrent physical complaints such as persistent abdominal or headaches," said the JGU. In science, however, this area is so far neglected. The new study is intended to shed some light on this. Currently, participants are still being sought. Contact person is Dr. med. Stefanie Jungmann from the Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Experimental Psychopathology at the Psychological Institute of the JGU.

A quarter of adolescents with physical complaints
The fact that around a quarter of children and adolescents suffer from recurrent physical complaints is, according to the experts, by no means reflected in the research work in this field. "The frequent occurrence and associated psychosocial impairments of those affected and the health economic consequences are in contrast to the fact that disorders with physical symptoms in childhood and adolescence are a neglected area in research," said the JGU.
Volunteers wanted for the research groups
The study at the Psychological Institute of the JGU is now to investigate the physical complaints in adolescents aged 11 to 17 years. Volunteers are currently being sought for the three study groups. The groups include:
- Children and adolescents with physical ailments,
- Children and adolescents with fears or worries,
- Children and adolescents without physical complaints or fears as a control group.
According to the JGU, a reasonable allowance will be paid for the participation in the study and, on request, the study leaders will also provide individual feedback on the examination findings. If you have any questions about the study or registrations, interested persons can send an e-mail to [email protected]. (Fp)