Unhappy marriage makes the heart sick

According to research, married people are often happier and more resistant to stress. In addition, studies indicate that singles often live unhealthier. But even an unhappy marriage can make you ill, as researchers now found out. Apparently, women are particularly vulnerable.
Bad marriage can ruin your health
A bad marriage can ruin your health, especially in old age, the news agency dpa reports. According to researchers from Michigan State University, unfortunate married people are increasingly at risk of developing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) as well as heart attack or stroke. The scientists published their findings in the journal "Journal of Health and Social Behavior" (JHSB).
Women suffer more than men
The journal "Psychology Today" (issue 03/2015) states that the study evaluated long-term data of 1,200 women and men between the ages of 57 and 85 years. Among other things, the researchers attribute this to a weaker immune system, which is particularly damaging to the cardiovascular system. It also showed that women suffer healthier lives from an unhappy marriage than men. The authors of the study believe that one possible explanation could be that women are more prone to eating inward feelings and becoming depressed.
Single people have higher heart attack risk
But not only unfortunate married people, but also single people are obviously more susceptible to diseases. Years ago, scientists at the university in Turku, Finland, have shown that married couples suffer a heart attack less frequently than singles. In addition, the death rate of women and men with Trauschein due to circulatory disorder of the coronary arteries is significantly lower. However, it was acknowledged at the time that the validity of the study results was limited because factors such as better financial status, healthier living conditions and social support could also play a role. (Ad)
Picture: Meltis