All articles - Page 28

Zoll drives debts for health insurances

Health insurance companies can collect arrears of insured persons with the help of the main customs offices 23/04/2012 The number...

ZMapp Ebola wonder drug in use

ZMapp is the miracle cure for Ebola? 08/23/2014 Although the effectiveness of the drug ZMapp is not clearly proven, nevertheless...

Celiac signs often obscure Gluten intolerance often goes unrecognized

Celiac disease often goes unrecognizedGluten intolerance is a common complaint, but it often goes unnoticed for a long time. Because...

Celiac Disease and Allergy Tips for the thoughtless snacking of Christmas cookies

Gluten intolerance: So nibbling Christmas cookies without hesitation When Christmas treats are tempting during Advent and holidays, people with celiac...

Celiac disease Gentle diagnosis for children with gluten intolerance

Without burdensome gastroscopy: gentle diagnosis with gluten intoleranceComplaints such as stomachache or diarrhea occur in children again and again. If...

Celiac Disease New remedy for gluten intolerance

New remedy can alleviate or even eliminate symptoms of celiac disease According to health experts, about one to two percent...

Celiac Gluten-free foods are not equally healthy for all people

Gluten-free food only healthy in celiac diseasePeople with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) should avoid gluten-containing foods. Supermarkets now have a...

Celiac Gluten passes through utensils such as pots or tea towels in our food

Pots, tea towels and co: contamination with gluten on kitchen utensilsPeople who suffer from gluten intolerance (celiac disease) have to...

Celiac Disease Research Is gluten intolerance caused by viruses?

According to a recent study, reovirus triggers the gluten intoleranceA gluten intolerance manifests itself especially in massive indigestion when taking...