All articles - Page 29

Trembling hands do not always indicate Parkinson's

For trembling hands, essential tremor is easily mistaken for Parkinson's05/02/2014 When the hands shake again and again, sufferers and relatives...

Trembling hands / hands shaking

Are we excited or scared, we feel trembling hands as completely normal. But what could be behind it, if the...

Zitteraal study How strong are the electric shocks?

Eel: Correct electric shocks a miracle of natureKenneth Catania of the University of Nashville has self-determined that shivering eels are...

Citrus fruits - Real power from nature

Citrus fruits - The special among the berriesThere are fruits that we can hardly do without in winter: citrus fruits....

Citrus scent inhibits liver cancer growth

Citrus scent inhibits liver cancer growth 01/20/2015 German researchers have found that certain components of essential oils can inhibit the...

Lemon verbena - application, effects and recipes

The lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora), also known as lemon shrub, owes its name to its lemony flavor. Because of him,...

Lemon juice case BGH reverses chief physician judgment

Lemon juice against wound infection The BGH overturned a verdict against a chief physician who treated an 80-year-old female patient...

Lemon balm - application, recipes and medicinal plant

The lemon balm, also called simply lemon balm, belongs to the mint family. Originally from the eastern Mediterranean, it has...

Lemons and limes only very little burden

Stiftung Warentest: Citrus fruits show only low pesticide contamination 28/02/2014 While in the past citrus fruits were increasingly contaminated with...