Celiac signs often obscure Gluten intolerance often goes unrecognized

Gluten intolerance is a common complaint, but it often goes unnoticed for a long time. Because the range of possible symptoms is very broad and often these are not associated with celiac disease.
The possible signs of celiac disease can be very diverse and "ranging from typical digestive problems such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating or bloating to hormonal imbalances, unfulfilled desire for children, lack of care and mental symptoms," said the recent release of the University Hospital Leipzig (UKL). The suspicion is therefore sometimes not on a Gluten intolerance. The diagnosis of celiac disease is particularly difficult, if only one of the symptoms is present, explains Professor. Albrecht Hoffmeister, Senior Consultant of Interdisciplinary Endoscopy and Ultrasound at the UKL.

Celiac Disease Can Meet Anyone
Celiac disease is a food intolerance characterized by a hypersensitive reaction to certain cereal components - Gluten Gluten. Professor Hoffmeister explains that gluten is present in many cereals, but predominantly in wheat, that is to say in the grain which we as Central Europeans eat most and which is contained in almost all industrially produced foods. Celiac disease can affect anyone and "more people have celiac disease than you think," Hoffmeister continues. Experts believe that up to one percent of the population suffer from gluten intolerance.
Chameleon of medicine
Often the disease remains unrecognized for a long time in view of the non-specific symptoms, reports the UKL. "If a patient has depression, for example, there is no immediate suspicion of food intolerance," explains Prof. Hoffmeister. And celiac disease has many faces, which is why they are often referred to in professional circles as "clown of medicine" or "chameleon". If the disease remains unrecognized, this can lead to an increased risk of tumors or deficiency symptoms such as osteoporosis, warns the expert.
Lifelong gluten-free diet
Although the exact cause of celiac disease remains unclear, it is known that there is a genetic predisposition to this type of gluten intolerance, according to the UKL. If there is a specific suspicion, a tissue sample can be taken from the duodenum by means of gastroscopy and a blood test can be carried out to secure the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis has been made, the only treatment option left is a lifelong gluten-free diet. "Celiac disease is not curable. But if you eat consistently gluten-free, the symptoms go away in 99 percent of the cases and you have a normal life expectancy just like any other person ", emphasizes Prof. Hoffmeister. (Fp)