All articles - Page 271

Holidays make you happy and healthy

Study confirms positive effect of vacation on health 05/06/2013 Holiday has a positive effect on personal happiness, which persists even...

Urine examination in mothers can determine the weight of unborn children

New way to determine the birth weight of fetuses developedThere seems to be a new way to determine the birth...

Urine cells are converted into brain cells

Stem cell research: Brain cells from urine raise new hope for Alzheimer's patients 11/12/2012 Urine as a remedy? What sounds...

Urine in the pool - Beckenpinkler unmasked How to recognize a clean indoor pool

Chlorine smell gives information about hygiene in the bathroomWhether urine, hair, make-up remains of sweat: When you think what all...

Urine, sweat and co? How dangerous are red eyes in the pool?

Where do the red eyes in the swimming pool come from?If you go to the pool in the summer, you...

Urine, rat excrements and poisons found in cosmetics

Counterfeit cosmetics often pose health risksOn the Internet, numerous platforms offer cost-effective cosmetics, although these are often counterfeit products or...

Urine & Chemistry in the water Where do the red eyes in the swimming pool come from?

Red eyes in the pool are caused by a chemical reaction of chlorine with urine and sweatMost swimming pool visitors...

Urbacteria settle on human skin

Researchers discover archaea on human skin 12/10/2013 Archaea thrive under the most adverse conditions: extreme temperatures, hot springs and sludge,...

Unreliable information about CO2 emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions of the 1990s underestimated 11/02/2013 Information on CO2 emissions, which has often fixed CO2 reduction targets, is...