Urine in the pool - Beckenpinkler unmasked How to recognize a clean indoor pool

Urine in the pool - Beckenpinkler unmasked How to recognize a clean indoor pool / Health News
Chlorine smell gives information about hygiene in the bathroom
Whether urine, hair, make-up remains of sweat: When you think what all could be in the pool of the indoor pool turns many a stomach. Those who go swimming regularly, however, have to accept that there is probably no pool without pee and other unpleasant substances. Remedy here, however, the disinfectant chlorine. Because this decomposes the urine, creating the characteristic swimming pool smell.
Disinfectant Chlorine decomposes nitrogen from urine or sweat
A swimming pool visit is not for everyone, because the possible "bath salts" such as pee, dander or hair cause disgust in many people. "That does not matter, the water is chlorinated!", Often respond enthusiastic swimmers and refer to the disinfecting effect of the chemical chlorine, which is used to keep the water in the pool clean. But how can I tell if the pelvis is really free of unpleasant substances??

How can one recognize a clean indoor swimming pool? Image: Girasole75 - fotolia

With the naked eye can not be seen how many people have already peed in the bathroom. Instead, one's own nose should be trusted. Because the typical swimming pool smell comes not only from the chlorine, but arises only when the chemical decomposes urine.

Chemical is usually odorless
"Chlorine is odorless at first," explains Michael Solić, press spokesman for Stadtwerke München and its baths, in an interview with the magazine "Focus". "If chlorine meets nitrogen, such as urea, creatine and amino acids from urine, chlorine compounds, the so-called chloramines, and the well-known swimming pool odor arise," the expert continues. It can therefore be stated that the more urine gets into the pelvis, the stronger the chlorine smell in the hall.

This may sound disgusting, but the chloramines are not harmful to health, according to Solić. Although the decomposition of urine with cyanogen chloride and nitrogen trichloride also creates potentially harmful waste products - but only in such small quantities that they pose no danger. In addition, every human being would react differently sensitive to the chemical. The disinfectant can degrade nitrogen from urine or sweat, while other substances such as dander, body lotion or hair care products are not attacked. This task must be carried out by the filter systems. "Together with constantly supplied fresh water, filters and chlorine can ensure clean water in the basin," emphasizes the spa expert.

Avoid redness by thorough showering
And where do the red eyes in the pool come from? As the US Water Quality and Health Council explains, "too much chlorine in the water" is not responsible here either. Instead, the typical redness of the eye would also be caused by the chemical reaction of the substance with urine and sweat. Swimming pool visitors can do so much themselves, to keep the water clean and to avoid red eyes. It is especially important to thoroughly shower before swimming in order to remove the remains of care products, dirt particles, perspiration and traces of fecal matter. In addition, of course, should not be urinated into the water, but rather a short break and the toilet will be visited. (No)