Urine examination in mothers can determine the weight of unborn children

Urine examination in mothers can determine the weight of unborn children / Health News
New way to determine the birth weight of fetuses developed
There seems to be a new way to determine the birth weight of a baby before the child is even born. Researchers found that examining the mother's urine can help identify the future birth weight. In the future, for example, it will be possible to identify babies with too low a weight and quickly initiate countermeasures.

Biomed Central's scientists found in their study that examining the urine of an expectant mother allows the birth weight of the child to be calculated. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "BMC Medicine".

An examination of the urine of pregnant women can determine the weight of the unborn baby. In the future this could lead to fewer children being born with too low a birth weight. Thus, diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity can be avoided. (Image: Alexander Raths / fotolia.com)

Low birth weight can lead to type 2 diabetes and obesity
An abnormal growth of the fetus and a low birth weight are well-established risk factors for chronic diseases in later life, explain the experts. Such diseases include, for example, the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Urinary metabolites are associated with the growth of the fetus
The scientists used a technique called NMR spectroscopy to identify a panel of ten urinary metabolites in the third trimester of pregnancy for their study. These were associated with the growth of the fetus and an increased birth weight, explain the specialists. The metabolites included steroid hormones and important biological building blocks called BCAAs.

Changes in BCAAs affect birth weight
BCAAs are vital nutrients during pregnancy. They serve as an energy source for the adolescent fetus, the researchers say. Changes in BCAAs and other metabolites can be measured in urine. The measurement enabled physicians to detect changes of up to 12 percent in birth weight of the fetus. Factors such as parent weight and maternal smoking did not affect the results.

Physicians examine urine samples from 800 pregnant women
The research team collected urine samples and lifestyle questionnaire data from more than 800 pregnant women aged 28 to 33 for their study. The study was the most comprehensive study to date on urea metabolites and fetal weight, say the authors.

Further research on this topic is urgently needed
An experimental study is needed to determine an accurate cause-effect, explain the scientists. Proof of the baseline study highlights the value that the metabolic profiling of pregnant women can have on the preparation of pregnancy plans. (As)