Urine, rat excrements and poisons found in cosmetics

Urine, rat excrements and poisons found in cosmetics / Health News
Counterfeit cosmetics often pose health risks
On the Internet, numerous platforms offer cost-effective cosmetics, although these are often counterfeit products or imitations that are similar in appearance to the original product but do not meet its quality standards. So cheap sun creams, make-up items or perfumes from the Internet at worst can lead to health problems.

The RCE Cosmetic Association reports a shocking level of counterfeiting in the cosmetics industry and expressly warns against the health risks associated with their use. Martin Ruppmann, Managing Director of the VKE Cosmetics Association, emphasizes that "the use of counterfeit cosmetics - which may contain inferior or contaminated raw materials - is associated with an incalculable health risk". Here consumers would have to be warned against dubious traders on the Internet.

Counterfeit cosmetics can cause health problems. Image: Ideareattiva / fotolia.com

Dangerous toxins detected in counterfeit cosmetics
An up-to-date information campaign in England has dealt with the subject of counterfeiting in the cosmetics industry, documenting in part unbelievable conditions. So have been found in bogus beauty products, among other toxins and rat feces, reports the "Frankfurter Rundschau". The criminals would now use every opportunity to fool the customers, the newspaper quotes the spokeswoman for the London police. Even toxic chemicals such as cyanide and even human urine have been detected in laboratory tests in fake cosmetics. Skin irritation, swelling and burns are possible consequences of using counterfeit products.

Counterfeiting is often difficult to detect
According to Martin Ruppmann, "consumers often find it difficult to recognize the fakes at first glance." This sometimes makes them unaware that they are exposing themselves to a health risk. According to Ruppmann, the unknown admixtures are far from the only danger. Also, the promised ingredients are often not included at all. Thus, for example, a fake sunscreen could lead to an increased risk of sunburn if it does not contain UV protection. According to a statement by the RLO, security for the online purchase of cosmetics offers the seal "Authorized Online Retailer". Authorized distributors of VKE member companies have been able to show this as a registered seal on the homepage of their Internet shop since the end of 2013. "The initiative to positively label Internet businesses gives customers the assurance that it is a reputable online shop that sells high-quality and safe, original products on a contractual basis," says the RIA. (Fp)

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