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Pharmacy earlier and today - History of pharmacy

In ancient Greek, pharmakeia meant remedies. Apotheca, on the other hand, referred to a warehouse that the apothecarius supervised. contentsArabic...

Pharmacy advice yes, buy rather online

More and more customers are choosing to buy in the internet pharmacy 09/11/2014 Only the advice in the pharmacy, then...

Apoplex Risks These rules can prevent a stroke

Scientists analyze the main reasons for a strokeA stroke is a dangerous and sudden brain disease. Often a stroke leads...

Aphthous causes and treatment

Aphthae or French Aphthae can be seen as damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat in connection...

Aphthae are common in children

Ten percent of Germans suffer from aphthae - children more often than adults 08/14/2013 Aphthae are small, only a few...

Aphasia forms and symptoms

Aphasia: forms and symptoms Depending on the location of the damage in the brain and the associated symptom complexes usually...

Aphasia treatment options

Aphasia - Conventional, naturopathic and alternative treatment options In the case of aphasia, which is defined medically as the central...

Aphasia - speech disorder & communication disorder

Central speech disorder and communication failure As aphasias, acquired, central speech disorders are referred to, which occur mainly due to...

Apple trick for faster ripening of too firm avocados

Expert Tip: Wrap solid avocados together with apple in paperA few years ago, many Germans knew avocados only from holidays...