Aphthae are common in children

Ten percent of Germans suffer from aphthae - children more often than adults
Aphthae are small, only a few millimeters large ulcers in the mouth. Usually they are harmless, but can also be a serious disease behind the small „moon craters“ stuck if they occur again and again. Children are more affected by aphthae than adults. About ten percent of the population suffers from it. The expert Dr. Monika Niehaus of the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) explains what helps against the complaints.
Aphthae can be caused by small injuries to the oral mucosa in children
They look like little lunar craters, have a red border and a yellow or white indentation in the middle: aphthae. The small inflammations of the oral mucosa are more common, especially in children and usually disappear within 14 days. Like Dr. Monika Niehaus from the Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) explains that children who suffer from aphthous ulcers should refrain from hard foods such as rusks, nuts or potato chips. „Small injuries in the mouth, food, teeth brushing or accidental biting on the inside of the cheeks can provoke painful aphthae“, reports the expert. „Hot or spicy foods, cherries, plums, pineapple, tomatoes and citrus fruit irritate the oral mucosa.“ The spokeswoman for the BVKJ advises parents to find out together with their children which foods are better tolerated by the oral mucosa. „Smooth, cold foods, such as yogurt, are cheap. In each case, the pediatrician should examine the inflammation in the mouth to exclude other underlying diseases or deficiency symptoms, such as herpes infections, hand-mouth-foot disease, ulcerative colitis or iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency, vitamin B deficiency.“
Aphthae are common in some children and in some families
„Small aphthae usually heal after about 14 days. Such mouth ulcers can occur between three and six times a year. Tinctures and mouth rinses can help alleviate the discomfort“, explains Niehaus.
Most of the mouth ulcers occur as a result of small injuries to the oral mucosa. However, it is not yet clear why some children are more affected by aphthae than others. Also a possible family disposition is discussed among experts. One suggestion is a misdirected immune response to common germs.
Treat aphthous ulcers with naturopathy
Since the cause of the development of aphthae can often not be clarified, usually only a therapy of the symptoms takes place in naturopathy. In the case of small aphthae treatment with natural agents with astringent effects is usually sufficient. They protect the surface of the oral mucosa and close it to the outside. For example, goosecorn herb, tormentil rootstock myrrh tincture, which also has a healing and disinfecting effect, can be used. Also, sage leaf tinctures and tea tree oil are suitable and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
The classic home remedy for inflammation in the mouth is chamomile. There are numerous preparations on the market that contain chamomile extract and are suitable for gargling. However, regular mouthwashes with ordinary chamomile tea also provide relief. (Ag)