Aphasia treatment options

Aphasia - Conventional, naturopathic and alternative treatment options
In the case of aphasia, which is defined medically as the central language disorder due to brain injury and which may occur, in particular, as a result of stroke, it is always advisable to initiate a speech therapy treatment that includes both exercise treatment and adequate education in dealing with the communication disorder. Often the symptoms improve on their own in the first three months. The self-healing powers of the body acting here can be stimulated and strengthened by natural remedies and other alternative methods.
- Aphasia - Conventional, naturopathic and alternative treatment options
- Indispensable: the professional speech therapy
- Education and advice
- General measures of naturopathy
- Homeopathy and acupuncture in aphasia
- Relaxation procedures and medical hypnosis
Indispensable: the professional speech therapy
Conventionally, aphasia is treated with a speech therapy treatment. The aphasia therapy begins with the determination of the linguistic status, the extent of the disorder and the assignment to an aphasia form, usually for the diagnosis of Aachen aphasia test (AAT) is used. Thereafter, the aphasia therapy is carried out by different methods, e.g. Existing skills are activated to gradually unlock "locked" linguistic paths and lanes. Number series, songs, proverbs, body parts, etc. are suitable here. Later, language-systematic exercise programs are often used, involving e.g. Attributed to generic terms, "teapot" (homonyms) worked out or even letters and words are used in cloze texts.

Education and advice
Speech-therapeutic occupational groups performing aphasia therapies are speech therapists, respiratory, speech and voice teachers, clinical linguists and graduate speech therapists. The latter seem to be particularly suitable for integrative study, which includes the fields of special education, psychology and linguistics in addition to speech therapy. Because the entire communicative competence of those affected is more or less limited, it often comes to mutual misunderstandings and frustrations in everyday life with relatives and nursing staff. These can be at least limited by means of competent education, advice and support. This includes, for example, the explanation that a disturbance in speech understanding is by no means equated with a hearing loss and the person concerned therefore neither shouted at loud-sounding radio for hours in the room may be left behind. Depending on the need and possibility, suitable communication aids, e.g. in the form of conversation techniques, letter boards, picture books or special computers, to help the aphasic express his needs.
General measures of naturopathy
In aphasia, trauma (cerebral infarction, cranial collision) results in the lesion of an organic structure, the brain, as part of the central nervous system (CNS). Naturopathic treatments that support the natural healing process of this injury are in the forefront of naturopathic practice. These consist of detoxifying, milieu-regulating and restorative measures, such as phytotherapeutic, classical excretory or regulatory milieu therapy. The diet should be switched to wholesome, natural food and drink enough water. In terms of cure, vitamins and minerals can also be used to optimize the metabolism. Limits are the detoxification therapy by the continuous medication with blood-thinning, herpes and blood pressure regulating drugs set, which is maintained due to the great risk of another cerebral infarction.
Homeopathy and acupuncture in aphasia
Homeopathic constitutional remedies are determined by classical or process-oriented homeopaths very individually for body and mental symptoms and can be difficult to assign certain diseases. It also refers to Karl-Heinz Friese, author of the book "Homeopathy in Otolaryngology", but recommends Arnica D12 in addition to the beginning of the treatment, later as a high potency. Arnica montana (or Bergwohlverleih) has proven itself in physical injuries and bruises as well as after trauma of a spiritual nature, such as sudden loss (as the language here).
A harmonization of the energy flow aims at acupuncture treatment. The activation of nerve fibers within muscles, which in turn affect the spinal cord, midbrain and cerebral areas and lead to the release of neurohormones, has already been scientifically studied. Prof. Dr. M. Ptok, Head of the Clinic for Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology in Hanover, reports in the journal "Sprach-Stimme-Hehör" (03/2007) on the results of Chinese scientists who found the effects of acupuncture on the language ability of aphasia patients to be positive. A large proportion of the examined aphasics were able to form better sounds again after acupuncture treatments, which suggests that the therapy is effective especially in motor aphasia. According to scientific criteria, biofeedback techniques are more suitable for understanding speech disorders of the sensory aphasia, whereby feedback from one's own physiological processes (brain activity, heart rate, etc.) helps the person concerned to overcome the disturbed self-perception.
Relaxation procedures and medical hypnosis
The general relaxation effect and the reduction of stress reactions allow the person concerned to better access their own language. For this reason, various relaxation methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), autogenic training (AT), meditation and breathing exercises, are an additional measure. Moreover, in therapeutic hypnosis, in which this precondition for relaxation is also given, the speech flow can be stimulated symbolically and visually, e.g. with the idea of a flowing water that encounters obstacles and manages them "fluently". Because in hypnosis v.a. Working with unconscious processes, even people with severe intellectual losses and reduced concentration and memory ability can benefit from the treatment (Burkhard, Revenstorf 2001).
In addition, other, in particular pedagogically oriented alternatives of aphasia treatment are successfully used, such as animal-assisted therapies and garden therapy. The healing effect of nature, which still seems to be an innate principle of man, can help him "back to speech". (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein)
Karl-Heinz Friese: Homeopathy in Otolaryngology, Hippocrates Verlag
Voice-Voice-Hearing: "Alternative and Complementary Therapies for Communication Disorders", Thieme 3/2007
Revenstorf, Burkhard (ed.): Hypnosis in Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Medicine ", Springer 2001
To read more:
Aphasia: forms and symptoms
Aphasia - speech disorder & communication disorder