All articles - Page 221

Confusion caused by new drugs in pharmacies

Consumer protection warns of confusion in pharmacies: At the beginning of the year, many millions of patients receive medicines from...

Use of bleaching agents and disinfectants Cause of chronic lung disease?

Regular use of bleach leads to health problemsUsing bleach every day increases the risk of developing a fatal lung disease....

Reference for doctor for headscarf ban

The association of physicians denies a Hessian doctor a reprimand because he imposed on a poster in his practice a...

Administrative court No driving license withdrawal Cannabis against regular pain

Freiburg administrative court: woman does not have to hand over driver's licenseA woman who uses cannabis monthly to combat her...

Berlin Administrative Court gives applicants access to the police service

Berlin Administrative Court gives applicants access to the police service Berlin (jur). The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually occurring...

Neglected four-year-old toddler had more than 20 pubic lice alone in the eyelashes

Doctors remove 20 pubic lice from the eyelashes of a toddlerA small girl in China suffered from itchy eyes for...

Do laptops cause damage on your lap?

Do laptops on your lap cause damage to your health? Can prolonged use of a laptop on the lap damage...

Uncertainty through leaflet

Instruction leaflets confuse the patient 07/16/2011 The package leaflets of the drugs lead rather to the uncertainty of the patients,...

Uncertainty about vaccinations for children

Which vaccinations does a child need?? 07/21/2014 When it comes to vaccinations, insecurity prevails in Germany. Although most parents vaccinate...