Reference for doctor for headscarf ban

Reference for doctor for headscarf ban / Health News

The association of physicians denies a Hessian doctor a reprimand because he imposed on a poster in his practice a headscarf ban for Muslim patients.


A doctor had in his practice in Hessian Wächtersbach attached a note with the hint „game rules“ was provided. Among other things, this notice stated that women should not wear headscarves. Now the family doctor had to answer in a procedure in front of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung and received a reprimand for his poster. But it could have been much worse.

At the beginning of September this year, a Hessian physician caused nationwide attention. In his doctor's office, a doctor from the Hessian Wächtersbach had a poster with so-called „game rules“ suspended. In these rules was u.a. notes that women should not wear headscarves during treatment. In addition, the doctor required sufficient basic knowledge of the German language. Also, families should not take more than five children into the practice. The Association of Muslims and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians subsequently declared the notice as "reprehensible and absolutely unacceptable“ designated. The doctor had apologized afterwards for the poster, but justified his action with the fact that in the past there had always been difficulties with Muslim patients. "I am out of tone," the doctor later said and removed the notice board.

Nevertheless, the Association of Panel Doctors initiated disciplinary proceedings and now issued a reprimand. The reference will be entered in the register of doctors and will last for exactly five years. Then the entry will be deleted again. If there are no further violations, the family doctor has no further consequences to fear. As one spokeswoman for the Medical Association said, she said that „second-mildest punishment“ which a medical board can impose. Significantly sharply sanctions would have been a fine or withdrawal of approval. After such a measure, the doctor would have lost his approval, which means that he would not have been allowed to treat any person who was covered by statutory health insurance.

When „mitigating circumstances“ The committee had assessed that the GP had meanwhile acknowledged his offense and publicly apologized. In addition, the doctor has made personal contact with the local Turkish-Islamic Cultural Association and apologized there. At the hearing, the doctor was able to prove that he never seriously considered not treating a patient because of his background or religion. He would have violated the Hippocratic oath to which all doctors must feel obliged. This says that a doctor must treat all people, regardless of their background, reputation, gender, age or religion. The doctor did not want to comment on the verdict so far.

Also read:
Doctor apologizes for headscarf ban
Criticism of headscarf ban in medical practice
Doctor imposes headscarf ban in his practice

Image: Jerzy Sawluk
Author: sb