Berlin Administrative Court gives applicants access to the police service

Berlin Administrative Court gives applicants access to the police service / Health News

Berlin Administrative Court gives applicants access to the police service

Berlin (jur). The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually occurring in childhood and adolescence must not be a permanent mark. Even a job as a police officer is possible if the disease symptoms in adulthood are no longer present, as the Administrative Court of Berlin in a decision announced on Monday, June 20, 2016, ruled (Az .: 26 K 29.15).

There was now a 23-year-old Berliner access to the police service. He had applied in 2014 for the upscale service of the Berlin protection police. The state of Berlin rejected this with reference to his ADHD disease. He was no match for the requirements for concentration and reactivity, as well as complex work processes and the pressure of three-shift operation.

(Image: Heiko Küverling /

The young man complained against his refusal: He was only treated until the age of 19 years with medication. Meanwhile, the symptoms no longer showed.

The administrative court of Berlin obtained an expert opinion and subsequently agreed with the police applicant. According to the appraiser, the young man was not unfit for work. Although he had been ill in childhood and adolescence ADHD, but in the meantime there are no more symptoms in this regard. In brain psychology tests, he has achieved normal or even above-average results in all areas. Signs of ADHD-typical deficits had just not shown.

Although a renewed outbreak of the disease is never excluded with absolute certainty, but here "unlikely. Therefore, a longer-lasting invalidity or early retirement are not expected.

Against this judgment of June 6, 2016, the Administrative Court for fundamental importance appeal to the Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Berlin-Brandenburg. two