All articles - Page 21

Too little knowledge about sex diseases

BZgA Survey: For many Germans hardly any knowledge about Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphillis available 06/18/2014 Many Germans have little knowledge...

Too little vitamin D With the suntan the dose remains crucial

Between sunburn and vitamin D deficiency: Always bask in the sunAfter the long, gloomy and cold months, there is hardly...

Too little drinking produces kidney stones

Threatening kidney stone formation with insufficient fluid intake 07/24/2014 The high fluid loss at high summer temperatures promotes the formation...

Too little sleep can be like a rush

Too little sleep can be like a rush09/18/2014 The nocturnal sleep is essential for the human body. The organism gets...

Too little sleep is harmful to your health

People who sleep too little or sleep too much may endanger their health. (02.08.2010) Those who sleep too little endanger...

Insufficient sleep dehydrates our body and upsets the hormone balance

Those who sleep too little favor dehydration Many adults only sleep six hours a night - which, according to numerous...

Too little salt increases death rate in heart disease

Even too little salt is unhealthy: in one study, the death rate increased due to a lower salt intake 04/05/2011...

Too few doctors in Germany

Health report revealed: Lack of physicians now a reality 24/01/2013 The majority of physicians agree: There are now too few...

Too few doctors in the public health service

Public health service suffers from lack of doctors 05/11/2012 There is a shortage of doctors in the public health service....