Too little drinking produces kidney stones

Threatening kidney stone formation with insufficient fluid intake
The high fluid loss at high summer temperatures promotes the formation of kidney stones. The German Society of Urology (DGU) and the Professional Association of German Urologists (BDU) therefore recommend in a recent press release during the heat periods to pay attention to a significantly increased amount of drinking to counteract the kidney stone formation.
„With rising temperatures summer after summer the number of urinary stone diseases increases dramatically: heat, increased sweating and inadequate drinking favor kidney stone formation“, the professional societies report in their press release. Patients with urinary stones in the prehistory are particularly at risk, „because the risk of developing another stone doubles with every stone event.“ Almost every 20th German citizen suffers according to the DGB and the BDU „once or more in life“ on kidney stones. Men are significantly more affected than women.
Dark coloring of the urine when drinking too little
In general, the risk of developing urinary stones during the summer months is particularly high. Because „On hot days, a large proportion of the absorbed amount of fluid is lost through breathing and sweating“, explained Professor Thomas Knoll, Chairman of the DGU working group Harnsteine. As a result, the amount of urine decreases, because the liquid is withdrawn. „High heat, intense sweating and a reduced amount of drinking color the urine beer brown in extreme cases“, reports the chief physician of the urological clinic Sindelfingen. In this case, the soluble salts excreted from the kidneys are present in urine in higher concentrations. „This promotes the formation of kidney stones, which arise when substances crystallize, which are usually dissolved in the urine“, stressed Professor Knoll. According to the experts, the stones cause no discomfort as long as they are in the kidney and often go undetected. However, if they migrate from the kidney into the ureter, they cause an extremely painful colic, reports Knoll.
Note urine quantity and color
To minimize the risk of kidney stones on hot summer days, the experts recommend significantly higher drinking volumes. In addition, attention should be paid to the pale yellow color of the urine. If this appears dark yellow to brownish, too little liquid was absorbed. The professional associations explain that the required amount of drinking water „Even at normal temperatures and average physical activity, healthy people drink about two liters of liquid throughout the day“ should. The urine color, but also the amount of urine are also a good guide. „In the best case, the urine is water clear“, DGU and BDU report in their joint press release. However, it is according to the experts sometimes „difficult to set the optimal amount of urine.“ This results in „five times daily urination, each with 400 milliliters of urine as the average guideline, a 24-hour excretion of about 2,000 milliliters“, explained Professor Knoll.
Increase drinking volume at high summer temperatures
The recommended drinking volume of two liters a day must, according to the DGU and the BDU in the case of high heat and / or „sweaty“ physical strain increased significantly. Here it is advantageous to drink small amounts of liquid frequently. „At least 100 milliliters of liquid should be added to the body per hour to effectively prevent kidney stones“, reports Professor Knoll. As drinks German tap water and unsweetened teas are just as suitable as expensive mineral water with sonorous name or urine, added the BDU press spokesman. Wolfgang Bühmann. Sweetened sodas are not recommended, as they increase the risk of developing kidney stones, the BDU spokesman continues. „In addition to adequate hydration exercise, a normal body weight and a balanced diet of the prevention of urinary disorders“, explained Dr. Bühmann. A „Low-purine diet, with a low content of meat, sausage, offal and legumes, as well as avoiding foods high in oxalate such as spinach, rhubarb and Swiss chard“, could have a preventive effect here. (Fp)