Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Appendicitis Antibiotics could often prevent surgery
Appendicitis: Antibiotics are often enough Appendicitis initially leads to severe abdominal pain, but if left untreated it can have serious...
Appendicitis? If in doubt, prefer an operation
100,000 people are removed in Germany each year of the cecum. In many of them, the appendix is not even...
Appendicitis often causes nonspecific symptoms
Appendicitis with pain and nausea07/16/2014 Appendicitis (appendicitis) usually occurs in childhood and adolescence and is usually harmless. If those affected...
Cecal perforation causes, symptoms and complications
An appendectomy is the dangerous escalation of appendicitis. It bursts the vermiform appendage and the contents of the intestine and...
The cecum is a kind of bulge at the transition between the large and small intestine, which ends in the...
Blind alone because of brain damage
LSG Celle requires entry in the severely disabled cardThe blind can also be blind without any interference with the eye...
Eyes wander relaxed eyes
Relaxation for the eyes when working on the computer screen 09/09/2013 Daily work on the computer screen is a considerable...
Glimpse of the brain What does happiness mean and what does it produce?
Happiness can not be reduced to a messenger substance So far, scientists have assumed that the messenger substance dopamine plays...
Flatulence How many puffs a day are normal? What helps against cramps
Already gepupst today? How much farting is normal?Everybody has to fool. Flatulence is completely normal and useful. But sometimes sufferers...
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