Flatulence How many puffs a day are normal? What helps against cramps

Flatulence How many puffs a day are normal? What helps against cramps / Health News
Already gepupst today? How much farting is normal?
Everybody has to fool. Flatulence is completely normal and useful. But sometimes sufferers suffer greatly from the bloating, because they take a measure that is no longer normal. But how many puffs is normal. A taboo subject that many people do not talk about. But: Who pup much, should be examined, because it could be a disease behind it.

Why do some flatulence stink so unpleasant?
It can be extremely embarrassing if we have to fumble in public. Especially when other people are present, a strong stinking fart is difficult to hide. In such situations, of course, we are ashamed of ourselves. But there are ways to reduce the strong smell. Researchers found out why some winds stink so much.

If you fumble a lot, you may be suffering from an illness. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Diet strongly influences the smell
Scientists found out in their research that our diet is responsible for letting the various types of odors when blowing. Some foods cause stinking flatulence, other foods reduce bad odors. Farts are a mixture of 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane and 4 percent oxygen. The oxygen arises either by swallowed air or by chemical reactions in the intestine. Researchers at Monash University in Melbourne have found that a product called cysteine ​​is the main cause of foul-smelling farts. Cysteine ​​is mainly found in dairy products, meat and eggs.

What causes starchy food in the stomach?
The consumption of starchy food forces the human stomach to process the starch first. So the focus is shifted away from the protein, which eventually reduces the production of hydrogen sulfide. "In general, flatulence is a sign that the intestines are working," says Dagmar Mainz, spokeswoman for the Association of Registered Gastroenterologists. On average, we have to let eight to ten times a day from us. Why is Pupsen often loud? The greater the pressure on the sphincter, the louder the pups.

Quiet, Loud, Stinking or Neutral
Whether quiet, loud, stinking or neutral, that depends on what we have eaten. "Raw vegetables in the form of fruits and vegetables, cereals and dairy products can promote flatulence," explains Mainz. Flatulence also causes foods such as legumes, cabbage, fresh bread and onions. "Large amounts of carbonated drinks can also provide for an increased gas content in the intestine," says Ursula Hilpert-Mühlig of the Association of German Naturopaths. Also, whether we have stress, eat too fast or move too little - all this can also favor the frequent occurrence of winds.

How many pups are (still) normal?
Not a few people suffer from a real bloated stomach. They think they are constantly bloated and have to keep puffing all the time. Those who fumigate more than 20 times, and also have abdominal pain, should consult a doctor. In some cases, bloatedness may be so pronounced that it causes heart pain. Doctors refer to this phenomenon: "Roemheld Syndrome". Not infrequently, those affected think, they suffer a heart attack. It is the air that presses on the diaphragm causing discomfort.

But it may also be an incompatibility. "It may also be due to an intolerance such as lactose or fructose," explains Mainz. Milk sugar is found in cream, cottage cheese or ice cream. Fructose in fruit.

Irritable bowel or intolerances sometimes cause
Another option is the so-called irritable bowel. Around 30 percent of Germans suffer from the different forms of irritable bowel syndrome. So far, medicines help little to no. In the long term, patients need to change their diet and find out which foods are responsible. Patients usually suffer from bloating, diarrhea - sometimes constipation - and spasmodic pain in the intestinal area. But even in the stomach and esophagus symptoms such as fullness after eating, stomach ache, heartburn and nausea and vomiting may occur. In many cases, food is the trigger for the complaints. Affected then can help an individual diet.

But it is also possible that the intestinal flora is disturbed. In this case, the trillions of bacteria in the gut are out of their natural balance. Symptoms are constipation, diarrhea, bloating. Then only helps to dispense with foods that puff. Sport can revive the bowel and keep tight winds off. If there is a milk sugar intolerance, this can be quickly determined with a test at the doctor. Concerned people also notice it when the flatulence increases after eating quark or other dairy foods. Unfortunately, a lactose intolerance is not curable. However, the discomfort can be reduced by giving up and taking lactate. It makes sense to avoid food with milk sugar. "It's best not to do this on your own, but only after the doctor has clarified whether the diagnosis is actually correct," explains Bettina Sauer of Stiftung Warentest in Berlin. The same applies to fructose intolerance.

Simple home remedies for flatulence can help lessen the discomfort caused by the bloated abdomen. Humid-warm envelopes have proven to be helpful. These are placed on the stomach so that the intestines can calm down. It also distracts from the stomachache. Hilpert-Mühlig recommends the four-winds tea in case of flatulence. Included are caraway and fennel seeds, peppermint leaves and chamomile flowers. In health food stores, the teas are available. The tea should be drawn for 10 minutes, then poured through a sieve. "Four cups of it should be drunk daily until improvement occurs," says Hilpert-Mühlig. For food should be well chewed and not eaten hastily. Less stress and a lot of rest and relaxation also help.

Movement can do a lot of good to avoid disturbing winds and stomach pinches. Anyone who is actively active or even physically active has less problems with the intestines.