Eyes wander relaxed eyes

Eyes wander relaxed eyes / Health News

Relaxation for the eyes when working on the computer screen


Daily work on the computer screen is a considerable burden on the eyes. In the course of the day, the vision here often decreases significantly, which often results in those affected approaching the monitor with their eyes and thereby adopting an increasingly unfavorable posture, which favors further complaints such as a stiff neck or back pain , To relieve the eyes of relaxation and prevent further complaints, helps according to the press officer of the Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists (BVA) a special technique that can be easily applied in the workplace.

The ophthalmologist and BVA press officer Georg Eckert explained to the news agency „dpa“, It's a heavy burden on the eyes to stare at a computer screen all day. Anyone working on the monitor for a longer period of time should therefore occasionally let their eyes wander, Eckert continued. Because of the monotonous line of sight, among other things, the tear film is no longer evenly distributed over the eye. The eyes become dry and start to burn. If so, they should be temporarily closed, according to the expert. So that it does not even get that far, Eckert recommends to consciously focus on a point in the distance. Directly afterwards, the view should then be directed to a detail in the immediate vicinity. Among other things, this contributes to the tear film being distributed appropriately.

If in doubt, help with eye drops
If the burning of the eyes does not stop even when the eyes close or when blinking and the feeling of drought continues, the BVA press officer advises with eye drops. These would optimize the tear film. However, it should be remembered that in addition to the gaze monotony and stress and heating air affect the moistening of the mucous membranes and thus can cause a burning sensation in the eyes. (Fp)

Picture: Peter Friday