All articles - Page 2003

Camu Camu fruit from the jungle acts against obesity and metabolic diseases

Special fruit helps with obesity and metabolic diseases More and more people around the world are suffering from overweight and...

Campylobacter bacteria germinate in chicken meat and milk

Chicken meat often contaminated with CampylobacterChicken meat is often contaminated with Campylobacter. In the meantime, germs are the most common...


cannabis champagne chief doctor chemicals chemotherapy chili Chinese medicine chlorine cholesterol Chronic pain Coca cola coli bacteria coronavirus Crystal

BZgA launches measles vaccination campaign

Ignorance of the population leads to declining numbers of measles vaccines 05/10/2012 Less and less young people get vaccinated against...

BWEWG ruling allows cannabis cultivation for self-treatment

Federal Administrative Court sees public interestIf seriously ill patients depend on self-medication with cannabis, they can be allowed to grow...

BVA expects more competition from the health insurance companies

The Federal Insurance Office expects more health insurance benefits as a competitive feature 12/28/2011 In the opinion of the Federal...

Butzbach water contaminated with bacteria

Butzbach: Water contaminated with bacteria. Citizens are encouraged to boil the water before eating. The series of reports on contaminated...

Butter and margarine are only real with 80 percent fat

Butter and margarine: Only real with 80 percent fat content Spreads containing less than 80 percent may not be legally...

Butter or margarine preference usually depends on the mother

Study on the "Dope of the psyche"Butter or margarine? What we paint on our bread may say more about us...