Camu Camu fruit from the jungle acts against obesity and metabolic diseases

Camu Camu fruit from the jungle acts against obesity and metabolic diseases / Health News

Special fruit helps with obesity and metabolic diseases

More and more people around the world are suffering from overweight and obesity. Many of them would like to lose weight, but this is often harder than expected. Researchers have now discovered that an Amazonian fruit can help combat obesity and metabolic diseases.

Researchers at Université Laval in Canada found in their study that a fruit called Camu Camu could help prevent obesity and metabolic diseases. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Gut".

More and more people are suffering from obesity. A fruit from the Amazon could provide a remedy. (Image: vladimirfloyd /

Camu Camu contains up to 30 times more vitamin C than kiwis

The fruit from the Amazon region called Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) leads to positive metabolic effects, which are at least partially triggered by the modulation of the microbiota of the intestine (intestinal flora). The composition of the Camu Camu fruit is unique in that it contains 20 to 30 times more vitamin C than kiwis and 5 times more polyphenols than blackberries.

Camu Camu extract prevented obesity in the animals

The physicians found in a study on mice that the extract from the Camu Camu fruit helps to prevent obesity and metabolic diseases in the animals The extract prevented obesity in the animals, although they took a diet high in sugar and fat.

How was the study done??

The scientists at Université Laval in Canada fed two groups of mice with lots of sugar and fat for eight weeks. Half of the mice received the Camu Camu extract every day. At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the weight gain was 50% lower in the treated mice compared to the animals from the control group. The increased weight was similar to the weight gain of mice who had consumed a diet low in sugar and low in fat.

Camu Camu improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity

The researchers believe that Camu Camu's anti-obesity effect can be explained by an increase in resting metabolism in mice when treated with Camu Camu extract. They also found that Camu Camu improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and reduced the concentration of blood endotoxins and metabolic inflammation.

Camu Camu changed intestinal microbiota

All of these changes have been accompanied by a redesign of the gut microbiota, including an increase in A muciniphila and a significant reduction in Lactobacillus bacteria, says study author Professor Andre Marette from the University of Laval. The transplantation of so-called intestinal microbiota from the Camu Camu group into germ-free mice lacking such intestinal flora temporarily reproduced similar metabolic effects. Camu Camu thus exerts its positive metabolic effects at least partially by the modulation of the intestinal microbiota, explain the researchers.

Further research is needed

Professor Marette now wants to investigate whether Camu Camu causes the same metabolic effects in humans. Possible side effects of the fruit extract should not be a problem in his opinion. It is already approved to combat fatigue and stress and to stimulate the immune system, says the expert. (As)