BZgA launches measles vaccination campaign

BZgA launches measles vaccination campaign / Health News

Ignorance of the population leads to declining numbers of measles vaccines


Less and less young people get vaccinated against measles. This was the result of a study by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). Therefore, the main reason lies in the ignorance of the population about the possible consequences of a measles infection.

Measles are not no harmless teething troubles
As the BZgA announced on Friday, about one third of Germans who were born after 1970, see the measles vaccine as „not so important“ on. Contrary to what is often believed, measles is not just a harmless childhood disease. It is not uncommon for an infection with measles viruses to complications such as middle ear, lung or brain inflammation. About half of reported measles cases affect adolescents and young adults. Under the motto „Germany is looking for the vaccination certificate“ The BZgA has launched a campaign for measles vaccination. It aims to support the World Health Organization's (WHO) goal of eradicating measles in Europe. Last year, 1,607 cases of measles were registered in Germany.

„In view of the increase in measles cases among adolescents and young adults, it is important to raise awareness of the issue of immunization“, emphasizes the director of the BZgA, Elisabeth Pott. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has also been recommending a recommendation for measles vaccination since 2010 for all adults born after 1970, provided there is still insufficient immune protection. As the BZgA study shows, this vaccination recommendation is unknown to many German citizens. „81 percent of those born after 1970 do not know the new vaccination recommendation, and only 13 percent of this age group, which is still not adequately protected against measles, intends to get vaccinated“, is called in the press release of the BZgA. „As a major obstacle call 60 percent that they have pointed out no one on the need for vaccination“, so one of the results of the study. (Ag)

Also read about measles:
Girl dies 12 years after measles infection
Measles increasingly common in adults
Germany as a measles exporter
First death toll from measles for years
WHO: Measles Increase in Europe
Measles also affects adults
The infectious disease measles spreads
Impfkritik: How useful are vaccinations?

Picture credits: seedo