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Edema This helps with fluid in the leg

Edema in the legs With fluid in the leg are meant edema. These are swellings that can have various causes....

The mild winter is followed by the mosquito plague

Spread of exotic mosquito species favored by mild temperatures 02/20/2014 The unusually mild winter, which has already been declared over,...

Delmenhorst drinking water contaminated with germs

Delmenhorst: drinking water contaminated with germs01/25/2015 In Lower Saxony Delmenhorst authorities warn of germs in drinking water. The health department...

Your walking speed indicates the risk of death

Researcher: Gait speed says a lot about health According to US researchers, the walking speed can not only say a...

Dehydration in the ICE An affected person reported

Dehydration in the ICE: An affected person, who was in a defective train of the German course, reports. (12.07.2010) Chaotic...


Use of stretch gymnastics Stretching is part of many sports in the training process. The muscles are under tension, which...

Stretching before or after exercise?

Can help stretching to prevent sore muscles? Sport is healthy: Experts agree on that. For example, regular exercise can help...

Stretching does not protect against sore muscles

Can you prevent sore muscles by stretching??03/29/2015 Sport is healthy - and can cause pain. Every hobby athlete has had...

Stretching offers no protection against injury

Counterproductive: stretching offers no protection against injury 04/27/2012 Stretching before and after sports activities should generally prevent injuries and sore...