Delmenhorst drinking water contaminated with germs

Delmenhorst drinking water contaminated with germs / Health News

Delmenhorst: drinking water contaminated with germs


In Lower Saxony Delmenhorst authorities warn of germs in drinking water. The health department recommends boiling the water. The municipal utilities have also begun to disinfect the water with chlorine. There is no health risk, according to the information.

„No health risk for drinking water customers“
The authorities in Delmenhorst in Lower Saxony warn against germs in drinking water. As „Radio Bremen“ announced that it is now clear that this is E-coli bacteria (Escherichia coli). These germs belong to the natural intestinal flora of humans and animals. Some of them can cause gastrointestinal infections with indigestion such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The spokeswoman for Stadtwerke Delmenhorst (SWD), Britta Fengler, had however announced: „There is no health risk for drinking water customers.“

Drinking water should be boiled
The health department recommends until further notice to boil the drinking water. The agency said that consumers could drink the water without hesitation after cooking. In addition, it is advised to wash fruits and vegetables only with previously heated water. Also for brushing or for medical purposes, for example for the cleaning of wounds, only boiled tap water should be used. As has been communicated, this Abkochgebot exist until further notice. The city of Delmenhorst claimed to inform the population as soon as the drinking water is impeccable.

Water is disinfected with chlorine
The public utilities have already begun to disinfect the water with choir. This should be continued until the end of the month. According to the SWD, this is done purely out of precaution. It was reported that chlorination should be ensured, „that no pollution can reach the entire drinking water network“. The amount of added chlorine is so low that no damage to health is to be feared. However, the water may have the typical chlorine smell.

„Minor microbiological contamination“
Already last Thursday were „minor microbiological contamination“ been discovered. Meanwhile, it is clear that the germs came through a drinking water well into the consumer network. And was through one „agricultural pollution“, as the SWD announced. The well near the waterworks has now been shut down. Drinking water contaminated with E-coli bacteria is unfortunately not uncommon. Only in September of last year was the Rhineland-Palatinate town of Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler and the municipality of Grafschaft reporting contamination. (Ad)

Picture: piu700