Your walking speed indicates the risk of death

Your walking speed indicates the risk of death / Health News

Researcher: Gait speed says a lot about health

According to US researchers, the walking speed can not only say a lot about a person's health, but even provide information about the risk of death. The faster someone goes, the better the health outcomes.

Health condition indicators

To check a person's health status, doctors use measures such as measuring blood pressure or determining the body mass index (BMI). Researchers from the US now report that adding another indicator could be helpful: measuring how fast you're going. The walking speed could even provide information about the risk of death.

Researchers are in favor of using walking speed as a marker of human health. (Image: marioArte /

Assess risk for cardiovascular disease

"A really strong predictor of mortality is the walking speed," said Christina M. Dieli-Conwright of the University of Southern California (USC) in a statement.

Studies have shown that the faster the pace, the better the health outcomes. Conversely, it can be an indication of illness if the gait slows down especially.

Cardiac surgeons have argued in a journal article "JAMA" for using walking speed as a way to identify patients who are having difficulty recovering from surgery.

In addition, there are indications, according to the USC, that one could also assess the risk of cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the central nervous system.

Researchers use walking speed as a marker

While doctors do not yet use walking speed as a marker, researchers like Dieli-Conwright do.

She's exploring how movement can affect outcomes for breast cancer survivors, and walking speed is a point her team observes.

"The idea is, the sicker someone gets - be it through cancer treatment or another illness -, the more he loses strength and mobility," said the scientist.

"Imagine if someone has not trained at all. They are more affected by chemotherapy. "

This could cause these cancer patients to have difficulty walking to the bathroom and often barely get out of bed.

Determine the biological age of a human
As the journal JAMA puts it, doctors could use the walking speed to determine the biological age of a person who may be younger or older than their chronological age.

However, the USC Communication also notes that there is no evidence that increasing speed reduces the likelihood of disease development and premature death.

Finally, Dieli-Conwright pointed out the importance of walking, regardless of age. "Something as simple as a walking program can help maintain overall health," said the researcher. (Ad)