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Strawberry time Delicious crumble cake with strawberries

Enjoy strawberries in cake, smoothie or pure When the strawberry season begins in Germany in May, the delicious fruit is...

Strawberry jam in the eco-test Lots of sugar in jams and fruit spreads

"Eco-Test": Strawberry jams and fruit spreads are far too sweetAround two kilograms of jam a German eats a year. Especially...


Strawberries, botanically named Fragaria, are perennial herbaceous plants that produce the well-known and popular groupage, also known as strawberry. Strawberries...

Strawberries and Co Better to wait for fruits from local cultivation

Strawberries and other fruits: fruit from the bag no substitute for fresh fruitsMeanwhile, you can buy strawberries all year round...

Strawberries are healthy and happy

Healthy strawberries with a lot of vitamins and minerals 07/06/2012 If strawberries shine deep red and smell delicious, hardly anyone...

Store strawberries for a maximum of two days

Store strawberries in the refrigerator for only two days 06/06/2013 Everywhere fresh strawberries are offered. Despite the currently not harvest-conducive...

Strawberries - Ingredients, Applications and Mythology

Strawberries - red, juicy and healthy. Rich in vitamins and trace elements, they are not only delicious, but can also...

Earthquake in Nepal Malteser Hilfsdienst sends medicine

Maltese: Half a ton of drugs for earthquake victims in Nepal At least 3,600 people died following the devastating earthquake...

Peas, lentils or lupine That's why legumes are very healthy

Lentils, beans and Co are usually associated in this country with heavy home cooking. However, legumes are an important part...