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Additional contribution Health insurance change is worthwhile

Save money in 2015: Health insurance can be worthwhile22/12/2014 As of January 1, 2015, the statutory health insurance contribution in...

Additional contribution Health insurance companies lose insured

Over 650,000 insured changed the health insurance due to additional contributions 26/01/2011 The introduction of additional contributions has brought some...

Additional contribution no special hardship in Hartz IV

The additional contribution of the health insurance does not provide „special hardness“ for Hartz IV recipients, as the Social Court...

Supplementary contribution insurance supervision slows down DAK

No abolition of the additional contribution to DAK Gesundheit? 10/26/2011 A few days ago, the German Employees' Health Insurance Fund...

Additional contribution Kartellamt loses against cash

Additional contribution: Cartel Office loses against cash register: Unauthorized price fixing between the health insurance? Eight public health insurance companies...

Additional contribution of health insurance comes

Supplementary contribution to health insurance 2015: hardly any relief for the insured 17/12/2014 In 2015, the additional contribution for the...

Supplementary contribution of the coffers rises in 2012 to 21 euros

The average health insurance additional contribution increases according to a scientific analysis in 2012 to 21 euros 11.03.2011 According to...

Supplementary fee over 50 Euro expected to double the cash contributions

Experts expect enormous increase in health insurance contributionsThe statutory health insurance plan drastic increases in their contributions. According to some...

Supplementary contribution to health insurance company United-IKK?

The health insurance United IKK plans the establishment of an additional contribution? 13/05/2011 According to media reports, insured persons of...