Supplementary contribution of the coffers rises in 2012 to 21 euros

The average health insurance additional contribution increases according to a scientific analysis in 2012 to 21 euros
According to an evaluation of the University of Cologne, the additional contribution of the statutory health insurance could already be in the coming year 2012 nationwide 21 euros. Already at the end of this year, the average additional contribution should be nine euros. The Federal Ministry of Health contradicts the scientific calculations. Finally, the SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach head of the Institute.
21 euros additional contribution already in 2012
Around 50 million people are members of a statutory health insurance. According to an analysis of the Institute of Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology of the University of Cologne, the average additional contribution in 2012 could amount to about 21 euros. That does not apply only to individual funds, but on average calculated for all contributors. For 2013, the scientific institute even estimates an additional contribution of 33 euros. And by the end of the decade (2019), every member of the scheme would have to spend a lump sum of about 120 euros per month in addition to the regular health care contributions. The uncertainties in the estimation can mean significant income losses for the individual citizen, the researchers warned. For example, if the deficit of health insurance is underestimated by 5 billion euros, the recipient of an income of 800 euros already has an income loss of one percent. "Determinations of the additional contribution by the government can have far more serious financial consequences for the individual than wage settlements" on the job market.
Federal Government contradicts the evaluations
The Federal Ministry of Health reassured and referred to the fact that the SPD health politician dr. med. Karl Lauterbach belongs to the institute in a leading position. Therefore, the suspicion, according to the Ministry, are the calculations of the institute „politically colored“. In a statement it was pointed out that the calculations „untrustworthy“ and „untenable“ are. Finally, the financial situation of the health fund is balanced, thereby ensuring stability of the health system. However, it is undisputed that health expenditure will continue to rise in the coming years. Not for nothing had the federal government abolished the capping of the additional contribution amount in the course of the health care reform. Because the allocations from the health fund are in relation to the expenditure always smaller and the cash registers must accomplish in the future a financial compensation by additional contributions.
By no means contradicts the presentation, the additional contributions would rise in the future. However, Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP) adheres to its own forecasts. The average additional contribution will increase in the coming year (2012) to around 10 euros and two years later, (2014) to 16 euros. The calculations of the University of Cologne are therefore „unfounded and lack any basis“. Rather, one suspects behind the release of the numbers a politically motivated tactic to „to unsettle the insured“ and promote your own content. Lauterbach is one of the biggest critics of the black and yellow health care reform.
SPD criticized additional contribution as „small capitation“
The SPD holds against it, because the further increasing loads for workers are produced by the Federal Government. „Black and yellow probably whitish introduced the small capitation“, to pass on health care costs to citizens regardless of income. The social compensation provided only works if the average lump sum has exceeded the limit of two percent of the gross income. Therefore, make oneself for the concept of „citizens insurance“ strong, the „adhering to the principles of solidarity and the individual capacity of the insured“ oriented. In the coming weeks, the party wanted to present its own concept and for one „fairer health policy“ advertise.
Horrifying increase in the additional contribution burden
Already in October last year, the Institute for Health Economics on behalf of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) had carried out an evaluation on the same subject. At that time, the economists calculated the additional contribution based on two different scenarios. If the expenditure of the health insurance funds would increase by only two percent more than the premium income, then in the year 2025 an additional contribution of 97 euros would be due. The contributors would then receive an additional annual fee of 1164 euros. At that moment, any employee earning less than € 4,827 gross a month would be entitled to social security.
Funding gap of 2.3 billion euros
Other health economists such as Jürgen Wasem, Professor of Medicine Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen, came to milder prognoses. The expert assumes that there will be a gap in future funding of around 2.3 billion euros for the coming year. According to his calculations would therefore increase the additional contribution in 2012 to an average of 3.70 euros. In the following year (2013), the lump sum would have to be raised to around 10 euros. In just nine years (2020), members of the cash register would already have to raise 120 euros per month. However, according to the expert, one can only proceed from the current framework conditions. Thus, the current contribution rate, the expenditures in the health system as well as the provided tax funds are included in the evaluation. Different results come about when the analyzes are based on different business forecasts of the health insurance funds.
Additional contribution animates readiness to change
Even with health insurance, the additional contributions are unpopular. Currently just 13 health insurance companies charge an additional contribution. The insured persons acknowledge in large numbers the introduction with the right to the special termination and changed the cash register. Last year, about half a million people left their coffers. A total of eight million insured are currently affected by additional contributions. An economic analysis of the management consultancy „Steria Mummert Consulting“ had also pointed out that the current administrative burden of collecting lump sums was too high to derive any economic benefit from this. Defaulting payers even cause a hefty deficit, the consulting firm said. At the same time, the funds have announced that in case of an emergency, the additional contribution of the income to seize. In addition, high dunning fees are charged to set a clear warning signal.
AOK demands more services
If the contributions increase, then the people should also have more electoral benefits, so the demand of the general local health insurance AOK Rheinland -Hamburg. „If the insured already have to pay more, then they want a return“, CEO Wilfried Jacobs said. Health insurance members will have to adjust to rising health care costs anyway. Demographic change, higher spending on medicines and medical innovations are mainly responsible for the contribution increase in the form of additional contributions. (Sb)
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Picture: Andreas Morlok