All articles - Page 8

Grants for professional teeth cleaning from about every second till

Grants for professional teeth cleaning from almost every second tillMore and more people regularly use the offer of a professional...

Supplement for nurses in unplanned overtime

BAG: Municipal clinics can not refer to recreational compensationErfurt (jur). Nursing public health workers are entitled to an overtime surcharge...

Supplementary insurance for naturopaths

In the test: additional insurance for naturopathic treatments. (13.10.2010) The costs for a treatment with the alternative practitioner are usually...

Additives in tobacco more toxic than expected

Consumers deceived: additives in tobacco more toxic than assumed 12/22/2011 Cigarettes contain more than just pure tobacco. Many substances are...

Additives in food causing disease?

Additives in foods cause illness? In Germany, just over 300 additives are authorized in foods. Some of them are said...

Additive Triclosan Breast Cancer Cause in Toothpastes or Cosmetics

Cosmetics Ingredient: Doctors call for worldwide ban on triclosanThe biocide Triclosan has been in the criticism for a long time...

Additional contributions should double

The additional contributions of the health insurance companies should be allowed to double in the future. (03.07.2010) According to media...

Additional contributions save health insurance companies

BMG statistics: additional contributions bring health insurance approximately 500 million euros more revenue. The collection of additional contributions will continue...

Do not keep additional contributions artificially low

Experts warn: Keep additional cash contributions not artificially low 29/10/2014 Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) wants to create more...