
Simplified, yoga is a way to clarify and calm the troubled mind and bring it into unity with body and soul.
Meaning of yoga
Historical review
Various yoga forms
Areas of application for yoga
Learning yoga techniques
Contraindications for yoga
Meaning of yoga
Yoga is a philosophical doctrine from India and means, translated from Sanskrit, as much as "bring together, bring under control". So yoga should also be understood as being one with God. Yoga has developed over thousands of years in India. It consists of the most varied body and breathing exercises.
Yoga is one of the classical schools of Indian philosophy called Darshanas. So there are the most varied forms of yoga, each with its own wisdom and implementation. There are yoga forms that focus more on the mind and want to influence the mental concentration, others in turn deal extensively with the body and breathing. In all yoga forms, however, the holistic approach is in the foreground.
Historical review
The first written documentation mentioning yoga is the scriptures of the Upanisads (scriptures). Originally yoga was in, religiosity settled. This was called circa 500 BC as Religious Yoga. Later, between 200 BC and 400 AD, classical philosophical yoga developed. This was not dedicated to any particular beliefs, but served more for everyday life and spirituality. Thereafter, body-oriented yoga was born around the 12th century AD. Yoga was for the most part the means of self-development.

Various yoga forms
Among the best-known yoga forms countHatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga.
Hatha Yoga is the best known yoga form. It contains physical exercises called asanas that affect muscle activity, increase flexibility of the body and positively affect body awareness. In Hatha yoga pranayama breathing exercises that strengthen the lung, support the breathing and provide vital energy, play an essential role. With their help fears and stress can be reduced. Hatha yoga also includes deep relaxation exercises that have a positive effect on overall relaxation, reduce stress hormones and strengthen the immune system.
Jnana Yoga is more concerned with the philosophy of yoga. This means that in Jnana yoga, questions about one's self are asked, such as: "Who am I?"; "What's the meaning of life ?"; "Where is my life taking me to?"; or "What do I mean by luck?" Jnana yoga is about meditation techniques, reincarnation, and the meaning of one's own karma. The goal of this yoga form is to learn more about yourself.
in the Raja Yoga It is about the mastery of the spirit, the coexistence with one's own mind in a unity and the function of the spirit. It uses mental techniques and meditation. The exercises of Raja Yoga include visualization, affirmations and self-observation.
Kundalini Yoga is primarily concerned with energy. Here is the energy that surrounds the body and flows in the body in the center. This refers to the chakras (energy centers) and nadis (energy channels). Kundalini yoga includes exercises to clean the energy pathways, to bring the body back into balance and also to harmonize the various chakras (energy centers). The love of God is in the foreground in this yoga form. So it's about prayers, mantras and different rituals, which should help to open the heart for God in order to be able to communicate with him.
As the name implies, deals Karma Yoga with the very individual destiny. It should teach people to see fate as an opportunity, to make the right decisions with the help of different exercises and to integrate them positively into their own lives. Karma yoga teaches to lead the life in a community and to feel comfortable there as part of the whole.
Yoga is therefore a complex system that considers man as a whole of body, soul and spirit. Man can choose the right one out of the multitude of yoga forms, for example to do more for the body or his own mind.
Areas of application for yoga
Yoga is mainly used for relaxation in the Western world. It tries to calm the mind with the help of certain exercises, which can ultimately have a positive effect on the whole body. Yoga is often used for back pain. There are special exercises that strengthen the back and the muscles, but also relax at the same time. Further areas of application are headaches and neck tension. People who suffer from sleep disorders benefit from targeted exercises that calm their minds and thus promote inner calmness. Yoga provides vitality, can strengthen the immune system and improves concentration. In addition, with the help of yoga exercises can be quite a positive effect in diseases such as acute arthritis, rheumatism, heart attacks or cancer, but here belongs in the hands of an experienced therapist.
Learning yoga techniques
Yoga can be done alone or in groups. In order to first learn the most important exercises, their exact execution and their areas of application, it is advisable to attend a yoga class. These are offered in clubs, in adult education centers but also by private educational institutions or private teachers. If a basic base is available, it can also be practiced at home. Since the classical Yoga and its health promoting effect are scientifically recognized, some health insurance companies take over also the costs for the Yoga courses.
Contraindications for yoga
Yoga should be avoided during an acute feverish cold or even flu. For pregnant women, there are special yoga exercises, which should, however, necessarily be carried out under expert guidance. (Sw)