Yohimbe - effect and application

In traditional African medicine, yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimba) has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. In Western Europe, Yohimbe is now known as a natural remedy in sex therapy, for example for the treatment of erectile dysfunction or impotence. But how exactly can Yohimbe fix sexual disorders? We have explored this question a bit more thoroughly in the following article.
- Wanted poster to Yohimbe:
- Herbal Portrait: When the blood starts to boil
- Ingredients and effect
- Yohimbine improves blood circulation
- More pleasure thanks to Yohimbin
- Application and dosage
- Yohimbe as a tea preparation
- Side effects and interactions
- Studies on the effect of yohimbe
- Buy Yohimbe
- Conclusion
Wanted poster to Yohimbe:
Scientific name: Pausinystalia yohimba
Plant Family: Redness Family (Rubiaceae)
Popular names: Liebesbaum, Lustholz, Potenzholz
Origin: Africa
Application areas:
- erectile Dysfunction,
- impotence,
- increased blood pressure
Main ingredients: Yohimbine
Plant parts used: bark

Herbal Portrait: When the blood starts to boil
The Yohimbe tree belongs to the family of the redness family (Rubiaceae) and grows originally in West Africa, especially in countries like Cameroon or Congo. From the local tribes, such as the Bantu people, but also from East African tribes such as the Maasai, leaves and bark of the tree have always been used for various initiation and healing rites.
The medicinal use of Yohimbe focuses in traditional African medicine mainly on disorders of libido and organic causes of infertility.
In the meantime, however, discovered a number of other properties of Lustholzes, so its applications include the following health problems:
- erectile Dysfunction,
- impotence,
- infertility,
- sexual aversion,
- high blood pressure,
- Circulatory disorders
- and tension pains in the head area.
In Western medicine, since 1980, especially the Yohimberinde (Yohimbehe cortex). Milled to powder, the remedy has a reddish brown to gray-brown color and is wonderful for herbal teas. A relatively gentle and easy-to-prepare natural remedy that is considered as a sexual enhancer and can sometimes even help with vascular problems.
Ingredients and effect
The active substance that gives Yohimbe its effect is called yohimbine. The substance of the plant has the property of influencing various nerve receptors in such a way that, in particular, the male genital area profits therefrom.

Yohimbine improves blood circulation
The receptors that yohimbine influences include so-called α2-adrenoceptors. These are special signal conduction units in the body's own nervous system. They are found mainly in blood vessels, where they are activated by the stress hormone norepinephrine, among others, and cause a narrowing of the blood vessels. This hormone is released together with adrenaline, especially in high-performance activities such as sports or stressful everyday scenarios, but also during sexual intercourse. In the latter case, it is responsible for:
- improved performance during lovemaking,
- sexual readiness in general,
- and mental alertness and responsiveness to the sexual act.
The side effect of norepinephrine on the vascular volume can be a real dilemma here, since the hormone is indeed beneficial for the sexual activity, by the activation of the adrenoceptors but can also provide circulatory disorders in the genital area. Yohimbine acts in this regard twice. Because it prevents noradrenaline from docking to α2 adrenoceptors, it not only provides better blood flow. In addition, the increased release of norepinephrine optimizes the body functions necessary for a fulfilling sex life. Especially the pelvic arteries respond well to this effect of yohimbine. Thanks to its properties
- it increases the excitability of the reflexes in the pelvic region,
- it ensures an increased sensitivity of skin and tissue,
- it increases the activity of libido
- and improves the circulation of the male erectile tissue.
Overall, it is possible because of the circulation, sensory and performance enhancing effect of yohimbine
- Erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction,
- impotence,
- increased blood pressure
- and general circulatory disorders
be corrected or alleviated.
Useful information: Through the improved use of the stress hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, yohimbine also stimulates the metabolism. The increased efficiency is used for fat burning, which is why Yohimbe in the form of yohimbine HCL is also a household name in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. However, the anabolic steroids-like preparation is not for sale.
More pleasure thanks to Yohimbin
Adrenergic receptors are not the only hormonal docking sites where yohimbine attacks. Also, receptors for the uptake of the happiness hormone serotonin are positively influenced by the ingredient of yohimbe. In detail, they are serotonin 5-HT receptors, which play a crucial role in the increased sense of pleasure. Through improved intake of serotonin, yohimbine can increase psychoactive feeling, which
- to stimulate the libido,
- make sexual experiences more pleasurable,
- and can intensify the sense of pleasure in the sexual act in general.
Important: Yohimbine, in addition to its action as an aphrodisiac, can also cause some unpleasant side effects if it is dosed incorrectly. For details, see the section on using Yohimbe.

Application and dosage
You can buy the bark of Yohimbe usually in the form of cut bark pieces or ground as a powder. Both are usually prepared as tea.
Yohimbe as a tea preparation
The first time you take a Yohimbe tea, it is important to dose carefully at the beginning. Yohimbine is a strong aphrodisiac, which is why it is better to take moderate amounts first and wait.
Preparation of yohimbe tea:
- Half a teaspoon of yohimbe bark or yohimbe powder,
- 500 ml of boiling water,
- Brewing time: about five minutes,
- then filter the tea and drink in small sips.
The effect of yohimbine usually begins about half an hour after drinking the tea. Therefore, you should definitely wait for enough time before drinking another cup. To speed up the onset of action, try adding a pinch of vitamin C to the tea.
Side effects and interactions
When using Yohimbe preparations, you should be moderate, because side effects and interactions may occur:
- Yohimbe should not be taken with antidepressants and antihypertensive medications, as it could cause blood pressure and mood swings and anxiety.
- Consumption of high-fat foods, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks should be stopped no later than six hours before taking yohimbine, as the active substance may inhibit the breakdown of caffeine, alcohol and fat in the liver and brain. This in turn leads rapidly to interactions and nausea or vomiting.
- Especially in combination with caffeine, there is often an increased effect of yohimbine. Side effects such as a spontaneous or permanent erection are not uncommon here. It can also occur in overdose of yohimbe and requires urgent medical attention in case of persistent symptoms, as otherwise it can lead to congestion and painful swelling of the erected limb.
- Other side effects of yohimbine overdose may include nervousness, shaking, increased sweating, inner restlessness, insomnia, palpitations, headache, dizziness, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
- People who are already suffering from cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, kidney or liver disease should therefore not take yohimbine. The same applies to persons with a mental stress disorder or mental illness.
- The wide range of undesirable side effects indicates that yohimbine is really a very potent drug that should by no means be underestimated. If in doubt, the intake is therefore best discussed with a doctor.

Studies on the effect of yohimbe
Yohimbe is one of the few aphrodisiacs whose effect is actually confirmed. Both a beneficial effect on erectile dysfunction and a positive effect on impotence have been demonstrated in several studies. The fact that Yohimbe helps with erectile dysfunction and infertility is thus scientifically proven and does not belong to the herbalistic myths.
However, research on the exact mode of action of yohimbine in the area of blood circulation and hormone balance is still lacking. Yet this topic would be worth a further study. After all, the specific mechanism of action of Yohimbe not only produces desirable changes in sexual functions, but also a number of changes and side effects. These might be better mitigated by more extensive knowledge of the workings of yohimbine.
Buy Yohimbe
So far, the online offer of Yohimbe products is not that big. Many people prefer to order or buy Yohimbe as a blend of bark or powder in the local pharmacy, drugstore or local herbalist.
Yohimbe is an efficacious aphrodisiac, but it has to be used very moderately in view of its powerful effects. Otherwise, the aphrodisiac effect could quickly turn into the opposite, causing serious side effects such as high blood pressure and mood swings, anxiety, tachycardia, and congestion in the male member rather than potency increase. We recommend the Lustholz therefore only after medical consultation and in moderate dosage. (Ma)