Youtube cinnamon games boy falls into a coma because of cinnamon spoons

Five days in a coma
Germain from Hilversum, the Netherlands, swallowed a heaped spoonful of cinnamon without liquid at one go, according to the attending physicians. "Because of an acute lack of oxygen, the boy immediately fell into a coma," said the doctor. Bert Arets opposite a regional radio station. "It was a big nightmare," says the stepmother of the little patient on the radio. About the current state of health of the boy wanted to give the doctor no information. But one thing the boy asked on the radio: "Do not do it!"

Cinnamon Challenge on the social networks
For some time now there are videos on the internet, mainly from the USA, showing how children and adolescents compete in a so-called "cinnamon competition". Many participants then had emergency medical care in a clinic because they suffered from severe respiratory distress, asphyxiation and respiratory problems. "The fact that no child has died of it, is like a miracle," said the pediatrician. Freida Walter. Cinnamon is so dry and immediately withdraw any liquid in the oral cavity. The affected then suddenly get no more air.
Headache, dizziness and liver damage
Also harmful is the high proportion of substance coumarin. In higher doses serious damage to the liver can be provoked. If taken in large quantities coumarin can cause severe headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and drowsiness. These are the first clear warnings that should be taken seriously. Even small doses can cause liver damage in sensitive people. Some studies also suggest a risk of cancer. (Sb)