Naturopathy - Page 10

Aromatherapy - effects and recipes

Recipes and Effects of Holistic Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is a holistic form of therapy in which body, soul and spirit are...

Anthroposophic medicine

Anthroposophic medicine is part of anthroposophy. This term comes from the Greek and means something like "human wisdom". Anthroposophic medicine...

Are old genes or healthy life?

Getting old: genes or a healthy life?Methuselah in the Bible is supposed to have been 979 years old. Not a...


Acupuncture is a millennia-old form of therapy in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The word acupuncture was composed...

Acupressure - points and correct application

Acupressure literally means "press points" (Latin acus = point, needle arch, pressus = pressure). This is an ancient healing method...


Bloodletting is an ancient form of therapy and belongs to the diversion of natural medicine. These go back to the...