
bloodletting / Naturopathy
Bloodletting is an ancient form of therapy and belongs to the diversion of natural medicine. These go back to the Humoralpathologie, an early Greek natural philosophy, in which man consists of the four elements of earth, water, air and fire. Illness is referred to in humoral pathology as an imbalance of the four juices blood, mucus, yellow and black bile. And in order to put this right again, so-called discharge methods were used and are still used today to detoxify the body and free it from the most various "bad" juices.

In the Middle Ages, bloodletting was a therapy that was used very frequently. But mostly too often and unnecessary, which is why the bloodletting has fallen into disrepute over the years.

In bloodletting, which was already used by the Greek physician Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC), a certain amount of blood is taken to relieve the body of both blood and harmful substances in the blood. It is a remedy for chronic conditions, often with additional procedures such as cupping and detoxification. The traditional Indian healing Ayurveda knows the bloodletting as a diverting process.


  • Effects of bloodletting
  • Two types of bloodletting
  • Drainage treatment
  • Contraindications

Effects of bloodletting

Due to the withdrawn blood enters a blood thinning. The absence of the blood means a volume loss for the body. This is immediately compensated by flowing from the interstitium (intercellular tissue) low-protein liquid and this then leads to a blood dilution. This can improve poor blood levels in terms of hematocrit (percentage of blood cells in total blood volume), viscosity and aggregation (aggregation) of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets. As the blood circulation stimulates the microcirculation, this leads to a general circulation promotion.

Bloodletting reduces blood volume and causes blood thinning. (Image: Gina Sanders /

In patients who suffer from high blood pressure, are additionally obese and belong to the group of plethoric (persons with blood, reddish head, obesity), the blood letting creates a so-called decongestion. The blood dilution improves the cerebral circulation, the blood pressure is lowered and any symptoms, such as headache or tinnitus (tinnitus) improve.

Two types of bloodletting

This bloodletting is named after the abbess Hildegard von Bingen (1098 - 1179). The Hildegard bloodletting is based on moon phases. That is, it is only used in the first five days after the full moon. After the bloodletting Hildegard von Bingen has to follow a special diet. With the blood collected, Hildegard von Bingen was also able to create a so-called phenomenon analysis for diagnosis. The Hildegard bloodletting is only to be carried out in a fasted state, as according to Hildegard von Bingen, the juices mix with one another when taking in food and fluids, and no separation can be recognized. The Hildegard bloodletting is used in a wide variety of diseases. He has a gentle but profound effect. Thus, this form of bloodletting is used in immune deficiency, rheumatism, gout and skin diseases, endocrine disorders, inflammation, for convulsion, in hypertension, in stroke risk, insomnia and general disease prevention.

According to Hildegard von Bingen, there are detailed records of the bloodletting she uses, which describes, among other things, the age at which men and women are allowed to have their bloodletting, and the quantity to be taken, at what time and in which disease.

2. Volume bloodletting
Volume bleeding is used primarily in overweight hypertensive patients (hypertensive patients) with a plethoric appearance and symptoms such as headache, dizziness, circulatory disorders, and hyperlipidemia. As the bloodletting results in a so-called blood thinning, according to the teachings of humoral pathology, the general circulation is improved, whereby the symptoms of those affected can be alleviated and also the blood pressure decreases somewhat. The volume bloodletting is also used in diabetes, rheumatism and other diseases. It is used in naturopathic practices as well as in conventional medicine.

Drainage treatment

Depending on the patient's history, symptoms and blood count, up to 500 milliliters of blood may be taken once a month in a volume bloodletting. This is done with special vacuum glass bottles, which are used to catch the blood. It is important that the blood pressure and then also the hematocrit value of the blood are constantly checked during blood collection.

The Hildegard bloodletting works a little gentler. For example, the blood take-off amounts here range between 150 and 180 milliliters, and this in the first days after the full moon. The blood sample is taken in the fasting patient.

The color intensity of the blood is very important here. Thus, regardless of the amount already taken off, the bloodletting is stopped immediately when the blood is no longer dark red. According to traditional opinion of Hildegard von Bingen, the first leaking blood has a so-called mixed color, as it contains pollutants. If the color changes to light red, relaxation occurs, the poison is removed and the bloodletting can be stopped. The collected blood may be used for a special detection diagnosis. This diagnosis is based on the traditional knowledge of Hildegard von Bingen. After the bloodletting, a special diet is prescribed here.


Basically, bloodletting should never be used on people who are weak, have infectious diseases, or have acute heart problems. In patients with severe consuming diseases, bloodletting is contraindicated. Even with children who are still growing and in pregnant women, the blood withdrawal may not be performed. Individuals who have problems with blood clotting or taking blood-thinning medications should also be particularly careful with blood letting or, if in doubt, better avoid this. The therapy should only be done by an experienced doctor or alternative practitioner. (Sw)

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