Bloodletting Monthly donation relieves high blood pressure

Bloodletting Monthly donation relieves high blood pressure / Health News
Like bloodletting: blood donation as a remedy
Most people treat hypertension with medication. For centuries there have been forms of therapy that can cure long-term at least mild hypertension. The trick: The affected patients can also do good in which they donate blood.

A recent study sponsored by the Carstens Foundation has shown that regular blood donation helps combat high blood pressure. Thus, a classical procedure of natural medicine is confirmed, because basically a blood donation is nothing but a bloodletting.

Donating blood can lower blood pressure. Image: jd-photodesign - fotolia

Regular blood donation significantly and sustainably lowers the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. So the result of the study. The research group observed a total of 292 first blood donors over a period of one year. 146 of them had increased blood pressure of more than 140/90 mmHg at baseline, while the other 146 subjects had normal values. Up to four times a year, the Charité Blood Donor volunteers donated 480 ml of blood each, and their blood pressure and blood levels were measured before and after each donation.

Therapeutic effect corresponds to number of blood donations

Already after the first blood donation, the hypertension patients reported a beneficial effect. The further effect built directly on the number of donations, i. E. The more blood donations the subjects had done, the bigger the blood pressure reduction was.

Subjects were asked to maintain their usual behaviors rather than exercise or diet. To exclude these potential lifestyle effects nevertheless, the parameters body weight and body mass index were taken into account in the results analysis. (Pm)