Adenovirus Infectious eye flu is spreading in Germany

Adenovirus Infectious eye flu is spreading in Germany / Health News
Highly contagious adenovirus: the "eye flu" is rampant
Still often unknown, so-called eye flu continues to spread. Sufferers suffer from pain in the eyes and increased itching. Triggers for the viral infectious disease are adenoviruses.

Already reported over 100 cases of eye flu
Lately, the eye flu spreads in Germany. Those affected suffer from reddened, watery and itchy eyes. The eyes are also light-shy. This aggressive form of conjunctivitis is triggered by a highly contagious adenovirus.

In Bonn, eye flu is spreading. This aggressive form of conjunctivitis is triggered by highly contagious adenoviruses. Patients should stay home for the time being. (Image: Birgit Reitz-Hofmann /

Highly contagious and resistant
According to information from the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) are adenoviruses "a pathogen group that triggers a variety of diseases, including. the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract or conjunctiva and cornea. The viruses are highly contagious and resistant. "

Regular hand washing
Most of the viruses are spread in the tear fluid over the hands to which pathogens adhere. To protect against infection, certain measures should be taken: The most important hygiene rule is hand washing. This is especially true if you have touched the eyes with your hands.

In addition, people living with patients should always use their own towels and other hygiene items such as washcloths. Work or visits to community facilities such as schools or kindergartens are taboo during the inflammation. Patients should stay at home until the symptoms have resolved.

Inflammation usually stops by itself
If there is an infection, redness on one or both eyes initially appears, followed by swelling of the conjunctiva. Affected people have a foreign body sensation in mind.

The eye itches, tears and reacts sensitively to light. Frequently, eyelid swelling and enlargement of the lymph nodes in front of the ear develop.

In some cases, the inflammation may spread to the cornea of ​​the eye after about a week. Although the conjunctivitis sounds usually after two to four weeks on its own again, but slight cloudiness of the cornea may possibly persist for some time. As a rule, the infectious conjunctiva and corneal inflammation heals completely and without consequences.

Patients should consult an ophthalmologist
A causal treatment against the virus is not available. Only the complaints can be alleviated. Patients should consult an ophthalmologist.

The origin of the adenovirus is so far unclear. Researchers assume that it is not human, but animals. In 2011, US physicians reported that adenoviruses had been proven to be transmitted from monkeys to humans for the first time.

At that time, experts recommended observing adenoviruses more carefully in the future in order to be aware of possible dangers to humans in good time. (Sb)