Acupressure - points and correct application

Acupressure - points and correct application / Naturopathy
Acupressure literally means "press points" (Latin acus = point, needle arch, pressus = pressure). This is an ancient healing method from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Certain points, so-called acupuncture points are not needled, as is customary in acupuncture, but pressed or massaged. The points are on energy channels, the meridians.


  • operation
  • meridians
  • contraindication
  • How to "pressed" or massaged
  • When acupressure is applied
  • Important rules
  • Finding the "right" treatment point
  • A few examples - points for acupressure
  • Summary

Acupressure can be done anywhere without any aids. However, it is not recommended to simply press and massage any points in any order. To familiarize yourself with the subject, a course led by a competent therapist is recommended. But even here limits are recognized and the therapeutic acupressure should be left to the specialist or the specialist.

Even though acupressure may well help to treat a variety of ailments as a home remedy, the therapeutic use should be left to appropriately trained specialists, or at least under their guidance. (Image: Trepalio /


By pressing and massaging the acupuncture points blockages are released and the energy can flow again. Acupressure at home does not in any way replace professional therapeutic use, but it can be used as a home remedy to alleviate nausea or help with mild dizziness.


The acupuncture points, which are also used in acupressure, lie on the so-called meridians. These are energy channels in which the qi (pronounced: chi), the life energy flows. This can be blocked, which leads to complaints and illnesses according to the TCM approach. By treating the right points, this blockade can be resolved. This is especially known from acupuncture.

There are about 400 acupuncture points on the twelve main meridians and the two other meridians, the ren mai and the mayai. Each of the 12 main meridians is associated with an organ, which is reflected in the name, for example, large intestine meridian, spleen meridian, small intestine meridian, etc. ... To know this, a long detailed study must be completed. In acupressure the number of points is reduced to a few, extremely effective. This is enough to help you at home and in everyday life.

Moxa therapy is another form of treatment for which meridians and their associated energy points are the basis. In doing so, heat tries to get the energy flow moving again. Another form of therapy that makes use of energy channels and also uses acupuncture points is the Tuina massage. This treatment, also from TCM, uses certain techniques to get the blocked energies to flow again.

In acupressure certain points on the so-called meridians are stimulated by pressure. (Image: Peter Hermes Furian /


In the following cases acupressure should never be performed: In pregnancy, directly on skin lesions such as fungal infections or suppurations, in cardiovascular diseases and in infectious diseases. Acupressure may not be used for inflammation and in the area of ​​varicose veins.

How to "pressed" or massaged

During acupressure, massage with the fingertip of the thumb, forefinger or middle finger. But also pressing, kneading pushing and pinching belong to it. The acupressure should not cause unpleasant pain, but it may create a feeling of pressure or a so-called "feel-good pain". Sometimes a pleasant feeling of warmth develops, which can be regarded as absolutely positive.
The massage of a point takes about thirty seconds to a maximum of two minutes, with three to four points being treated one after the other and this being spread over the day three to four times.

When acupressure is applied

Mild illnesses and disorders are the areas of application of acupressure. Examples include: mild headache, toothache, difficulty concentrating, neck and shoulder pain, colds, nervousness, sleep disorders, inner restlessness, nausea, menstrual disorders and constipation. But even preventively, the point massage has its right to exist. It can be used, for example, to strengthen the immune system.

Important rules

Acupressure should never take place immediately after eating, drinking alcohol, and feeling very tired. Time and rest are important - a massage under time pressure is contraindicated. The acupressure should take place in a relaxed atmosphere in a freshly ventilated room. The hands are warm, the fingernails are not too long. Focusing on doing is important. Emerging thoughts are best left aside. The points are always massaged on both sides of the body (except for the points on the symmetry axis of the body). Each point is processed for thirty seconds to a maximum of two minutes. If you feel unwell, the treatment is stopped immediately.

In some cases, the desired reaction does not occur immediately. This can take up to half an hour. Not everyone responds to acupressure right away. Some feel relief immediately and immediately, while others take a little longer. It can also happen that the acupressure does not work. Sometimes a point needs to be edited more often.

For babies and small children, acupressure should be used with extreme caution. (Image: lisalucia /

In smaller children, the pressure should be very gentle and the massage of a single point should not exceed thirty seconds. The reaction to acupressure must be closely monitored in children and possibly the massage should be stopped. The child to be treated should be able to communicate with malaise.

Finding the "right" treatment point

When finding the acupressure treatment point, you need to be sensitive and have a good sense of touch. The area where the point is located is scanned. For some people, this is easier if they close their eyes. So, the focus is entirely on feeling. The correct location differs from the surrounding tissue by a dent or a tissue change. In addition, the pressure triggers a little pain.

Who is used to decide from the gut, will quickly find the right treatment point. Naturally, devices that can find acupuncture points are also available on the market. These are looking for skin resistance. However, the search should not be submitted to a device. Man is perfectly able, with the help of his own intuition, to find the place to be treated. If not, this is not so bad. The only thing that can happen is that acupressure does not help at all. Then just try again - practice makes perfect.

A few examples - points for acupressure

Di 4 (large intestine 4), a master point for pain of all kinds, to strengthen the immune system and constipation. The thumb is pressed completely by the hand. This forms a small muscle mountain in the direction of the wrist - there, at the highest point is the point.
Every visit to the dentist - a great help. Depending on your senses, the point is massaged for one to two minutes. This item should never be massaged during pregnancy.

Pe 6, (Pericard 6), very helpful for nausea, travel sickness and morning sickness (this point can also be pressed during pregnancy). The point is three fingers away from the carpal, on the inner arm, between the two tendons. The point is pressed or gently massaged circularly - for about a minute. For nausea and dizziness on the plane, this is very helpful.

Some acupressure points such as the Pe 6 are quite well suited for self-administration. (Image: fpic /

You 26 is located on the Du-Meridian. This begins midway between the tip of the coccyx and the anus, then runs over the middle of the back, over the head and ends in the face between the nose and upper lip. This endpoint is the Du 26, which can be massaged in mild dizziness. Young girls in puberty are prone to dizziness when they have to stand for a long time. Here the acupressure can serve well.

Ni 1 (kidney 1) promotes sleep and appetite. This point is located on the sole of the foot and is a so-called health point. It lies between the first and second toe, in the depression between the two foot pads at the level of the border between the first and second thirds of the sole of the foot (not counting the toes)

Le 3 (Liver 3) calms, especially in case of trouble, and helps with headaches. He lies on the dorsum of the foot between the big toe and the second toe, in a hollow, just before the point where the first and second metatarsal bones meet.


Acupressure is everywhere described as a simple healing method that anyone can use. However, conscientiousness and caution are also important here. Not every point is suitable for everyone. Learning the method, getting to know the most important and easiest to find points is a prerequisite for the application.