Aktuter Sleep deprivation damages the genes

Aktuter Sleep deprivation damages the genes / Health News

How sleep deprivation affects our genes and promotes disease


Night workers in particular are exposed to a permanent lack of sleep. The research team led by Derk-Jan Dijk from the University of Surrey in Guildford has found in a study, how little sleep affects cells and hundreds of genes. Thus, the scientists provide new explanations for negative effects of sleep deprivation on human health. For the first time, it was possible to investigate how many genes are affected in humans when they suffer from chronic sleep deprivation.

In the study report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS 2013; doi: 10.1073 / pnas.1217154110), researchers report that already „a week's sleep deprivation disturbs the human's internal clock and negatively affects cells and activates of hundreds of genes.“ A large number of epidemiological studies have shown in the past that lack of sleep can lead to various health problems.

Less than six hours of sleep creates a lack of sleep
Lack of sleep is what doctors do when an adult permanently sleeps less than six hours per 24 hours. It has been found that lack of sleep not only restricts mindfulness or disturbs cognitive performance, but also promotes obesity and type II diabetes. One study even points to a higher mortality rate compared to the well-off. Also, physiological and endocrine disorders are associated with a lack of sleep. For this it lacks as far as possible on subsequent researches to provide a clear evidence.

In the present work, the team led by Derk-Jan Dijk with the help of volunteers investigated the effects of sleep deprivation. During a one-week observation period, bedtime was reduced from 26 healthy men and women to 5.7 hours. During this time, the researchers studied the activities of the genes in the blood cells and the overall health of the participants.

Massive effects on cells and genes
First, the participants completed a control time. During this time they had to spend at least ten hours in bed. Most people slept through eight full hours on average. In Phase 2, the subjects were 2 to 3 hours earlier brought out of bed. At the end of the trial week, it turned out that the melatonin peak had shifted. This showed the researchers that a disturbance of the internal clock now existed. Further psychometric examinations reflected the lack of sleep of the participants. In addition, their vigilance was significantly reduced.

The effects on all genes activated in the cells were more extensive than expected. „We observed significant changes in 711 genes“, Report the study authors. „The number of genes that fluctuated during the day was reduced from 1,855 to 1,481“. Among the altered actions of the genes were those who had the „regulate circadian rhythm and influence sleep homeostasis.“

Lack of sleep promotes vascular diseases and metabolic disorders
Sleep deprivation also affects oxidative stress and certain metabolic pathways. As a result, inflammation and immune reactions are triggered. This also explains the increased risk of chronic metabolic diseases such as type II diabetes or vascular diseases. However, it is also unclear in these research findings how sleep deprivation interferes with the genesis of the diseases.

The scientific results, although very profound, can not provide meaning for future therapeutic purposes. „Rather, the study shows that sleep has a high health significance, which should not be underestimated.“. Therefore, the advice is usually enough to sleep in order to give the body a sufficient rest period. (Sb)

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Image: Benjamin Thorn, Pixelio.de